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In those days the Tisza regulations did not exist that plain around Lankadomb where now turnips are hoed with four-bladed machines was at that time still covered by an impenetrable marsh, that came right up to Topándy's garden, from which it was separated by a broad ditch.

As Tisza never went out, Marsa rarely quitted the castle; and, when she went to Moscow, she hastened to return to her mother. The very gayeties of that noisy city weighed upon her heart; for she never forgot the war-tales of the Tzigana, and, perhaps, among the passers-by was the wretch who had shot down her grandfather, old Mihal.

Zimmermann, Secretary of State of the German Foreign Affairs Department; Admiral von Holtzendorff, Chief of the German Naval Staff; Count Czernin, Imperial and Royal Minister for Foreign Affairs; Count Tisza, Royal Hungarian Prime Minister; Count Clam-Martinic, Imperial and Royal Prime Minister; Admiral Haus, the German naval attaché in Vienna; Baron von Freyburg, the Imperial and Royal naval attaché in Berlin; Count B. Colloredo-Mannsfeld.

He fled from Paris, seeking a pure existence, and returned to his Hungary, to the country of his youth, the land of the vast plains. He saw again the Danube and the golden Tisza.

But the day before the preparations were to have begun, Bela Kuhn flung his troops against the Rumanians with initial success, drove them across the Tisza with considerable loss, took up commanding positions, and struck dismay into the members of the Supreme Council.

As Tisza never went out, Marsa rarely quitted the castle; and, when she went to Moscow, she hastened to return to her mother. The very gayeties of that noisy city weighed upon her heart; for she never forgot the war-tales of the Tzigana, and, perhaps, among the passers-by was the wretch who had shot down her grandfather, old Mihal.

The soldiers quitted the house, accompanied by gendarmes, who previously were employed to guard the door. It was the removal of Count Tisza that really cleared the way for the new Hungarian state. Bohemia and the other Slavic vassal states of Austria had already broken away. President Wilson had recognized Poland as an independent and belligerent state.

An Amsterdam report dated November 3d quoted from the Vossische Zeitung of Berlin an account of that event, from which it appears that about o'clock in the evening three soldiers invaded Count Tisza's residence and presented themselves in the drawing room. Count Tisza, with his wife and the Countess Almassy, advanced to meet the intruders, asking what they wanted.

Tisza pointed out that the Germans were difficult to deal with; they were arrogant and despotic; yet without them we could not bring the war to an end. The congress in London in 1915 had adopted resolutions that were quite mad and never could be realised, and the desire for destruction prevailing in the Entente could only be suppressed by force.

They had never before caught such a big fish in the Tisza. "Perhaps the handle of the umbrella was of gold?" "Not a bit of it; it was only of wood." "Perhaps the linen was particularly fine?" "Rubbish! Is there any linen in the world worth one hundred florins? It was plain red linen, and even that was torn and ragged." "Then you have not told us the tale properly."