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The whiskers are prematurely tipt with white, as if the heated skin refused to nourish them any longer. The lips are slightly swelled, and the inflamed skin indicates inward fever, while the eyes are bloodshot, the under lids distended, and incline to shrink from contact with the heated orbs they were destined to protect.

They brought me a draft of their drink in a brown bowl, tipt with silver, which I drank off, and at the bottom was a picture of the Virgin with the child in her arms done in silver. So we took leave...." A drawing of it survives in the local museum. Maldon, the capital of the Blackwater district, is to the eye of an artist a town for twilight effects.

"Likewise the deep-set windows, stain'd and traced, Would seem slow flaming crimson fires From shadow'd grots of arches interlaced, And tipt with frost-like spires." Thus Tennyson in his "Palace of Art," with which this beautiful edifice at Milan may fully compare. Some of the windows illustrate the life of the Saviour, and the Revelations of St. John at Patmos.

At this place the savages wounded two of the Englishmen with their arrows, which were made of canes or reeds, tipt with sharpened flints. These savage natives of the country round Port Desire were exceedingly wild and rude, and as it would seem of a gigantic race, as the measure of one of their foot marks was eighteen inches long.

How is he young, that tamed old Phoebus youth? But arrowes two, and tipt with gold or lead, Some hurt, accuse a third with horney head. No nothing so; an old, false knave he is, By Argus got on Io, then a cow: What time for her, Juno her Jove did miss, And charge of her to Argus did allow. Mercury killed his false sire for this act, His damme a beast was pardoned, beastly fact.

He's from Donegal; I know all about him; the sourest dog I ever broke bread with and mason, if you please, by Jove a prince pelican! He supped at the Grand Lodge after labour, one night you're not a mason, I see; tipt you the sign and his face was so pinched, and so yellow, by Jupiter, I was near squeezing it into the punch-bowl for a lemon ha! ha! hey?

Only a few superior eminences, tipt with streaming silver, the tops of groves and lofty towers that catch the last smiles of day, were still irradiated by the departing beams. But, O how transient is the destination how momentary the gift! like all the blessings which mortals enjoy below, it is gone almost as soon as granted.

Get thy will tipt with the heavenly grace, and resolution against all discouragements, and then thou goest full speed for heaven; but if thou falter in thy will, and be not found there, thou wilt run hobbling and halting all the way thou runnest, and also to be sure thou wilt fall short at the last. The Lord give thee a will and courage!

Another allusion occurs in Lodge's Wits' Miserie, "and though this fiend be begotten of his father's own blood, yet is he different from his nature; and were he not sure that jealousie could not make him a cuckold, he had long since published him for a bastard: you shall know him by this, he is a foule lubber, his tongue tipt with lying, his heart steeled against charity; he walks for the most part in black under color of gravity, and looks as pale as the visard of the ghost which cried so miserably at the theator like an oister-wife, Hamlet, revenge'." Again, in Decker's Satiromastix, 1602: "Asini.

There are plenty of phrases that shock the attention sufficiently to keep it from stagnating on the smooth surface of the verse; such are "ever-highering eagle-circles," "there were none but few goodlier than he," "tipt with trenchant steel," and the expression, already famous, of "tip-tilted" for Lynette's nose; to which may be added the object of Gareth's attention, mentioned in the third line of the poem, when he "stared at the spate."