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And when the giant, literally blown to pieces by the gale, had disappeared, to be followed by other billows just as noisy and just as high, the surface of the sea was bare, save for a piece of timber and a barrel with the head gone. "Requiescat in pace!" tio Batiste murmured crossing himself and lowering his head. Tonet and the two sailors, pale and haggard, answered instinctively: "Amen!" "Pare!

"Do not pretend to misunderstand me!" cried Fabian, irritated by the knave's impudence. Cuchillo collected his thoughts. "If you allude to Tio Tomas, it is an affair which was never very well understood, but " Fabian opened his lips to form a distinct accusation with reference to the assassination of Arellanos, when Pepe broke in

Cocking his black cap down over one ear, he began to strut up and down in front of the women, imitating the tough and independent manner of tio Batiste, and trying to put some of that worthy's picturesque obscenity into the insults he heaped upon his grandmother for her efforts in his behalf. "I'm through playing at the tavern! You can keep your bread and cheese!

And the Rector talked on, expounding the sailor's philosophy of life he had learned offshore under tio Borrasca. But no one listened, except the "cat," who was on his first voyage, and stood clinging, palish-green with fright, to the mast, but with eyes and ears, nevertheless, for everything. Night fell.

Tio Borrasca was always raising a rumpus because he couldn't understand how his pockets ran empty so soon, now of the alguilla of Algiers, now of the Havana fine cut according to the stock of the latest smuggler to make the Cabañal. That was real life in Pascualet's eyes.

Dolores had to start off alone, and the two men stood gazing after her beautiful figure, as, with a graceful swinging of hips and shoulders, it vanished in the distance. Tonet hung-around till after dark, swapping stories and banter with tio Batiste, and discussing the great catch with the men of the crew. He did not leave till the "cat" began to get supper ready on board the Mayflower.

He spent the morning on the sea. Tío Ventolera took him to the Vedrá, praising the lightness and other merits of his boat. He repaired it year after year, not a splinter of its original construction being left in it. They fished in the shelter of the rocks until mid-afternoon. On their way back Febrer saw the Little Chaplain running along the beach waving something white.

I start to-morrow." "Go, in Heaven's keeping," said Tio Pedro. "And never let us see you again," added La Zandunga, whose sentiments towards Benito had undergone an entire change in the last few months. "May I not see her to say good-bye?" "No, you would only agitate her." "Do not be so cruel. I implore you to let me speak to her." "Be off!" said the old woman, angrily.

In front of the door of tio Paella's old place, now occupied by Pascualet, the villagers would sit in the open air all night sometimes, on low stools or on the ground, listening open-mouthed while the sailor told about the countries he had visited, embroidering his adventures with harmless embellishments to rouse greater thrills in his simple-minded audience.

And the Rector, still moved at his uncle's lavish kindness, nodded grateful assent. They sat on in silence for a while. Tonet was all taken up with the game nearby, and did not try to follow the conversation which the two men were carrying on, as much with their eyes, almost, as with their lips, which hardly moved. And when were they intending to start, tio Mariano went on.