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Those who remained among whom were Marheyo, Mow-Mow, Kory-Kory, and Tinor gathered about the dwelling, and appeared to be awaiting their return. This convinced me that strangers perhaps some of my own countrymen had for some cause or other entered the bay.

But my chief source of anxiety, and that which poisoned every temporary enjoyment, was the mysterious disease in my leg, which still remained unabated. All the herbal applications of Tinor, united with the severer discipline of the old leech, and the affectionate nursing of Kory-Kory, had failed to relieve me. I was almost a cripple, and the pain I endured at intervals was agonizing.

In the course of a few days Toby had recovered from the effects of his adventure with the Happar warriors; the wound on his head rapidly healing under the vegetable treatment of the good Tinor. Less fortunate than my companion, however, I still continued to languish under a complaint, the origin and nature of which was still a mystery.

I remembered, however, that after awhile I had missed them from their accustomed place; but the matter gave me no concern, supposing that Tinor like any other tidy housewife, having come across them in some of her domestic occupations had pitched the useless things out of the house. But I was soon undeceived.

All the inmates of the house, with the exception of Marheyo, his son, and Tinor, after assuming their gala dresses, departed in the direction of the Taboo Groves.

Those who remainedamong whom were Marheyo, Mow-Mow, Kory-Kory, and Tinorgathered about the dwelling, and appeared to be awaiting their return. This convinced me that strangersperhaps some of my own countrymenhad for some cause or other entered the bay.

For example, the ridge-pole of Marheyo's house bends under the weight of many a huge packet of tappa; his long couch is laid with mats placed one upon the other seven deep. Outside, Tinor has ranged along in her bamboo cupboard or whatever the place may be called a goodly array of calabashes and wooden trenchers.

Outside, Tinor has ranged along in her bamboo cupboardor whatever the place may be called—a goodly array of calabashes and wooden trenchers. Now, the house just beyond the grove, and next to Marheyo’s, occupied by Ruaruga, is not quite so well furnished.

Soon my poor comrade showed signs of animation, and I succeeded in making him swallow from a cocoanut shell a few mouthfuls of water. Old Tinor now appeared, holding in her hand some simples she had gathered, the juice of which she by signs besought me to squeeze into the wound. Having done so, I thought it best to leave Toby undisturbed until he should have had time to rally his faculties.

Soon my poor comrade showed signs of animation, and I succeeded in making him swallow from a cocoa-nut shell a few mouthfuls of water. Old Tinor now appeared, holding in her hand some simples she had gathered, the juice of which she by signs besought me to squeeze into the wound. Having done so, I thought it best to leave Toby undisturbed until he should have had time to rally his faculties.