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He laughed grimly. "I have to be all eyes and ears in my business." "Is your business of a nature so sensitive?" "As much so as stocks on Wall Street. And we haven't any ticker to warn us to get under cover. Do you take cream in your coffee, Miss Messiter?" She looked round in surprise. "Cream?" "We're in tin-can land, you know, and live on air-tights. I milk my cow with a can-opener.

For there is always another season to think of, and I don't want the tin-can of failure tied to my spirit's tail. As I say, the days slip by. Morning comes, fresh as a new-minted nickel, we mount the treadmill, and somebody rolls the big red ball off the table and it's night again. But open-air work leaves me healthy, my children grow a-pace, and I should be most happy. But I'm not.

She was looking directly at him as she spoke. "Your cousin is rather a remarkable man in some ways. He manages to live on the best that can be got in tin-can land." "Did he tell y'u he was my cousin?" he asked, slowly. "Yes, and that his name was Ned Bannister, too?" "Did that explain anything to y'u?" "It explained a great deal, but it left some things not clear yet." "For instance?"

Geneviève looked to the right, where the car should be waiting her. It was gone. Evidently the indignant Mrs. Brewster-Smith had expedited the departure. Miss Eliot read her discomfiture. "My car is right down here behind that palatial mansion with the hole in the roof and the tin-can extension.

But in the meantime the keepers had walked away, carrying with them the rod and line, fish, and tin-can of bait, laughing loudly at the practical joke which they had played our hero. "Well," thought Jack, "either here must be some mistake in my father's philosophy, or else this is a very wicked world. I shall submit this case to my father."

With over two hundred Italian outrages of various kinds in this city up to date, I can count the convictions on the fingers of one hand. The rest of the country is beginning to notice it." "It is a serious matter," Blake acknowledged, "and it is affecting the business interests of the city. We see that every day." "If I had a free hand I'd tin-can every dago in New Orleans." "Nonsense!

"Why do you stay up there in that sterile place and go hungry?" said the Wolf. "Down here where I am the broken-bottle vine cometh up as a flower, the celluloid collar blossoms as the rose, and the tin-can tree brings forth after its kind." "That is true, no doubt," said the Goat, "but how about the circus-poster crop? I hear that it failed this year down there."

It's a little the worst we've done yet." "Except that time we tin-canned that stray steer, last winter," amended Weary, chuckling over the remembrance as he fastened the big gate behind them. "Yes, that was another of Jack's fool schemes," put in Slim. "Go and tin-can a four-year-old steer and let him take after the Old Man and put him on the calf shed, first pass he made.

My word, Mr Herrick, sir, it's truly-thankful-Amen I am that the poor chap's all right again." "And so am I, Tom Jecks," I replied. "O' course you is, sir; I never meant to cut his tail, only to frighten him a bit; but, poor heathen, he took it all as serious as seas. Shall I go and chuck the tin-can overboard?" "No; leave it here for him to find when he wakes up." "Right it is, sir.

Down below, in tin-can backyards of the neighbours, old bottles and piles of broken lumber filled the place; but along the edge of the verandah, boxes of earth had been set, and the vines ran to the top, shutting out the glare of the brick walls opposite and making a cool spot in the blank heat. Alcibiades looked at the vines with happy eyes. "They grow," he said softly.