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"Terrible indeed. No one can get near him or away from him. He comes out of the Shi' playing sweet, low music on a timpan and a pipe, and all who hear this music fall asleep." "I will not fall asleep," said Fionn. "You will indeed, for everybody does." "What happens then?" Fionn asked.

His pipe had been played and his timpan, all who heard that music should be asleep, and yet his fire was caught in full course and was quenched. Aillen, with all the terrific strength of which he was master, blew again, and the great jet of blue flame came roaring and whistling from him and was caught and disappeared.

So Pearla the Melodious took her timpan, and chanted a Gaelic song that she had learned in the country of the Dedannans; and presently a round-polished, red-gleaming quicken berry dropped into her lap, and another into Finola's, and, looking up, they saw nought save only a cloud of quicken berries falling through the air one after the other.

"She is here, owing to a miserable misconception," said Arabella. "Ah! she is here, however. That is the essential, as your old governess Madame Timpan would have said." "Nor can a protest against coarseness be sweepingly interpreted as a piece of unfilial behaviour," said Arabella. "She is coarse," Wilfrid nodded his head.

"She is here, owing to a miserable misconception," said Arabella. "Ah! she is here, however. That is the essential, as your old governess Madame Timpan would have said." "Nor can a protest against coarseness be sweepingly interpreted as a piece of unfilial behaviour," said Arabella. "She is coarse," Wilfrid nodded his head.