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"What did you marry me for?" she asked curiously. A slight colour came into his face: "Because that damned Rosamund Fane lied about you." "Oh! . . . You knew that in Manila? You'd heard about it, hadn't you the Western timber-lands? Rosamund didn't mean to lie only the titles were all wrong, you know. . . . And so you made a bad break, Jack; is that it?" "Yes, that is it."

He felt her pride in him, and she had grown very dear to him. Des Moines appeared to Bradley to be very great and very noisy. It was the largest city he had ever seen. He was born in Eastern Wisconsin on a farm, and his early life had been spent far from any populous centre; very largely, indeed, in the timber-lands.

England will not readily admit that her own children are worth nothing but to be flung out of doors! England looking on her Colonies can say: "Here are lands and seas, spice-lands, corn-lands, timber-lands, overarched by zodiacs and stars, clasped by many-sounding seas; wide spaces of the Maker's building, fit for the cradle yet of mighty Nations and their Sciences and Heroisms.

For Dirty Fingers was a lawyer, a wilderness lawyer, a forest bencher, a legal strategist of the trail, of the river, of the great timber-lands. Stored away in his brain was every rule of equity and common law of the great North country. For his knowledge he went back two hundred years.

In addition to his mining ventures he had been making investments in timber-lands, or, rather, in certain lumber companies operating "in the mountains" bad investments, he feared, since the Government had lately taken such a decided stand against the cutting of timber in the mountain-land reserves and water-sheds. Was it likely, he asked, that the talk would materialize in restraining action?

"Suit yourself, friend," returned Morrison, and he pulled down the heavy shutter screening the array of bottles. Bergstein left with a brusque good-night and walked slowly up the road. He had not told Morrison all he knew. Trading horses was not the Jew's only business; he was equally adept in buying and selling timber-lands and the hiring of men.

I've been freighting logs for the senior Cardigan over my railroad; the contract for hauling them was a heritage from old Bill Henderson, from whom I bought the mill and timber-lands; and of course as his assignee it was incumbent upon me to fulfill Henderson's contract with Cardigan, even though the freight-rate was ruinous.

It was such a house as, during the two years he had spent up in the high timber-lands, he had caught sight of only on the rare occasions when he came within the precincts of a town a house whose outward aspect, even at night, suggested something of taste, means, and social position for its occupants.

"There's the deed to some thousands of acres of the finest timber in this country," he announced challengingly, "all ship-shape in the name of Stephen O'Mara, 2nd! Old Tom bought them for the boy he hid away with him, in the days when timber-lands were going for a song. He paid the taxes until he was drowned, and I I've paid 'em since, my dear!

"Well, then, understand!" said the Senator, carried far by his indignation. "You know how I made my fortune!" "I do!" "Was I not justified in buying in all the public timber-lands at the going price?" "Yes, seeing that the people of the state were fools enough to stay asleep and let lands go for a dollar or so an acre lands to-day worth thousands of dollars an acre for the timber on 'em!"