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Maria drew her kerchief tighter and walked on. At her left hand stood a tall, narrow house, in which lived a cobbler, a jovial man, over whose door were two inscriptions. One ran as follows: "Here are shoes for sale, Round above and flat below; If David's foot they will not fit, Goliath's sure they'll suit, I know."

But tighter and tighter they pressed against the stand, until it trembled. Oh, Judge, the time of all artful men will come at length. How were you to foresee a certain day under the White Dome of the Capitol? Had your sight been long, you would have paused before your answer. Had your sight been long, you would have seen this ugly Lincoln bareheaded before the Nation, and you are holding his hat.

So he went straight to the colonel, and when he came close he saw that the fat man was apparently in the grip of a chill. He had gathered a vast blanket about his shoulders and kept drawing it tighter; beneath his eyes, which looked down to the ground, there were violet shadows. "I've lost," said Donnegan through his teeth. "Lord Nick has been here?"

Perceiving its new antagonist, and feeling its freedom, the snake rapidly unwound its tail from Sicto, who fell to the ground with a dull thud. Darting forward with lightening rapidity, it caught Piang in its circular embrace, and, coiling its tail around the tree, flattened the boy against it, as if in a mill. Tighter, closer hugged those massive, chilling rings, but Piang fought bravely.

The inexorable hand held her tighter and tighter, until she felt as if her own slender fingers would be crushed in its gripe. It was one of the tortures of the Inquisition she was suffering, and she could not stir from her place.

"But we cannot break the chains that have been welded a thousand years that have grown stronger and tighter with each generation," said Max. "You truthfully said, 'One may only endure." "I also said that at rare moments one may hope," she answered, with drooping head. "Not I, Fräulein. I may not even hope. I am doomed," answered Max. "No, no, Sir Max," responded the drooping head.

Drive the pegs tighter you fellows out there or the whirlwind will tear down the slight structure." "And how sultry the air is!" "The hot wind seems to warm even the flood of rain. Here it is still dry; mix me a cup of wine, Antinous. Have any letters come?" "Yes, my Lord." "Give them to me, Mastor."

But in the small hours of the night Thyrsis lay awake in his little room, and the soul within him was sick with horror. He was trapped there was no use trying to dodge the fact, he was trapped! His powers were waning hour by hour, his vision was dying within him; every day he knew that he was weaker, that the grip of circumstance was tighter upon him.

It examined his shoulder, the end of his chin, and ran along his arm, as far as it could go. "Now what do you think of that!" Falkner exclaimed softly. "The little cuss is wondering where my hands are!" Gently he rolled over on his side. "There they are," he said, "hitched tighter 'n bark to a tree!" He wiggled his fingers, and in a moment he felt the mouse.

"I slipped out," said the child, holding the rail tighter, as perforce she paused to answer. "I thought it would take only a moment." "Slipped out?" he repeated. "Of the life-boat, I mean. It was dark and they didn't see me. I just happened to think, and I had to do it. If I'd told them, they mightn't have let me. It would have been very wicked if I'd gone away and forgotten don't you think so?