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The other class of Buso, however, wants human flesh all of the time. They are the Tigbanua', the chief of whom is Datu of all the Buso. A Tigbanua' lives in his own house, and goes out only to eat the bodies of the dead. The Tagamaling makes his house in trees that have hard wood, and low, broad-spreading branches.

The Tigbanua' that lives in the liwaan-tree called out to the Tigbanua' that lives in the pananag-tree, "The mighty chief of all the Tigbanua', who lives in the sigmit-tree, gives this command to his people: 'Don't make fun of the man, because he has been here many times before. " And right there, under the trees, the man, standing by his dog, was listening to the talk of the Buso.

But the dog woke up, jumped out from under the tunic, and bit the Tigbanua'. Then they all ran. One of them climbed up the tree to his own house, the dog holding on to his leg, and biting him all the time. But when they were halfway up the tree, the dog fell down and got hurt. And the Tigbanua' called down to the dog, "Swell up, swell up!"

As already noted, the people of Malilla are inclined to identify the gimokod of the left side with this evil class. XV. Tagamaling. Evil spirits who dwell in big trees. XVI. Tigbanua. Ill disposed beings inhabiting rocks and cliffs in the mountains. These last two classes are frequently confused with the buso. In addition to these, the old men of Malilla gave the following: 1. Tagareso.

The dog was sleeping near the fire, and he was as big as the calf of a carabao. The man hid in the shelter, and waited. They gathered around the fire, and sat down. All at once, the Tigbanua' caught sight of the tunic spread out, and showing the form of a huge head and body under it. They all thought it was the man; and they rushed up to it, and hugged it.

By and by he got very sleepy, and thought he would go under the shelter and take a nap. But just then he heard voices up in the big trees. He listened, and heard the Tigbanua' talking to one another.

Some Bagobo have been known to kill the cat; but they always got sick afterwards. How a Dog Scared the Buso The Tigbanua' are the worst of all the Buso; they want to be eating human flesh all the time. They live in great forests, in the pananag-tree, in the magbo-tree, in the baliti-tree, and in the liwaan-tree. One day a man went out to hunt, and he took his dog with him.

All the other Tigbanua' were afraid of the big dog, and ran away. So the man slept well all night, because the Buso could not hurt him now. Story of Duling and the Tagamaling Before the world was made, there were Tagamaling. The Tagamaling is the best Buso, because he does not want to hurt man all of the time.