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At the age of four Tig went to free kindergarten; at the age of six he was in school, and made three grades the first year and two the next. At fifteen he was graduated from the high school and went to work as errand boy in a newspaper office, with the fixed determination to make a journalist of himself.

For the children soon picked up an affection for him, seeing that he was never too busy to drop his gardening and come and be umpire at their games of 'tig' or 'prisoners' bars. Also he had stories for them, and halfpennies or sweetmeats in mysterious pockets, and songs which he taught them: Giroflé, girofla, and Compagnons de la Marjolaine, and Les Petits Bateaux do you know it?

So she goes on, and it was not long before she met the cow, and says she: "Cow, cow of mine, did you see this maid of mine, with my tig, with my tag, with my long leather bag, and all the gold and silver I have earned since I was a maid?" "Ay," said the cow, "it is not long since she passed here."

He brought it in a dirty sack which he carried on his back, and he kept warmth in Tig's miserable body. Moreover, he found food of a sort cold, horrible bits often, and Tig wept when he saw them, remembering the meals Nora had served him. Tig was getting better, though he was conscious of a weak heart and a lamenting stomach, when, to his amazement, the Sparrow ceased to visit him.

"O, lime-kiln, lime-kiln of mine, did you see this maid of mine, with my tig, with my tag, with my long leather bag, and all the gold and silver I have earned since I was a maid?" Said the lime-kiln: "Do you think I have nothing to do only watch your maids for you? You may go somewhere else and look for information." Next she met the cow.

Boyce left her nodding her thanks at what he had placed in her hand, and went home to write it all to Babette Babette who would laugh so merrily when she read it! WHEN Tig Braddock came to Nora Finnegan he was red-headed and freckled, and, truth to tell, he remained with these features to the end of his life a life prolonged by a lucky, if somewhat improbable, incident, as you shall hear.

"O, cow, cow of mine, have you seen this maid of mine, with my tig, with my tag, with my long leather bag, and all the gold and silver I have earned since I was a maid?" The cow said: "Do you think I have nothing to do only watch your maids for you? You may go somewhere else and look for information." Then she got to the mill.

"If ye hae nae purse to fine, ye hae flesh to pine," replied the Bailie, "and I will look weel to ye getting your deserts the tae way or the tither." To the commands of Mr. Jarvie, therefore, Andrew was compelled to submit, only muttering between his teeth, "Ower mony maisters, ower mony maisters, as the paddock said to the harrow, when every tooth gae her a tig."

If the cats and the dogs, the sparrows and horses to which she had shown kindness, could also have attended her funeral, the procession would have been, from a point of numbers, one of the most imposing the city had ever known. Tig used up all their savings to bury her, and the next week, by some peculiar fatality, he had a falling out with the night editor of his paper, and was discharged.