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'Deed we did," he chuckled again, scratching his head as though the reminiscence were ticklesome then looked up with a sly smile: "Whilst we wuz a-drivin' home dat day, ole Miss she say: 'You wuz late, son, she say; an' I heah him say: 'Yes mam, a gemmen sont word he'd lak to see me, he say.

You ain't afraid of him, are you?" "No-o. No, I guess I'm not. But I shouldn't like to have him walk on me. He'd be so so ticklesome." Jed brushed the caterpillar off into the grass. "There he goes," he said. "I've got to live up to my job as guardian, I expect. Last letter I had from your pa he said he counted on my lookin' out for you and your mamma.

Indeed, certain ticklesome tendencies in Judy, particularly when touched with the heel, seemed to offer the strongest protest against the practice; for whenever pushed to any increase of speed or admonished in any way, the beast usually responded by a hoist of the haunches, which invariably compelled Paddy to clasp his mistress round the waist for safety a situation which, however repugnant to maiden bashfulness, time, and perhaps necessity, had reconciled her to.

If he thought I let ticklesome kitten-pillars come walkin' on you he wouldn't cal'late I amounted to much." For this was the "trust" to which Major Grover had referred in his conversation with Jed. Later he explained his meaning. He was expecting soon to be called to active service "over there." Before he went he and Ruth were to be married.

And now, to go back to our subject, may I ask whether it has ever occurred to you that no one ever considers me?" "I suppose you think that very funny. You take good care to make yourself considered," sneered Jane. "You cannot say that I do not consider you," said Gertrude reproachfully. "Not when I tickle you, dear." "I consider you, and I am not ticklesome," said Jane tenderly. "Indeed!

He hears her deliver the message, and also the word her mother sends back: "Tell him to hold his horses. It 'll be ready in a minute." "It will, eh? Well, I can't wait a minute, an' I'm goin' to take a hog-bite right out of YOU!" and he snarls and bites her right in the middle of her stomach, and if there is anything more ticklesome than that, it hasn't been heard of yet.

However, I hope we shall all have a merry Christmas; I mean to come in my most ticklesome waistcoat, and to laugh till I grow fat, or at least streaky. Fanny is to be allowed a glass of wine, Tom's mouth is to have a hole holiday, and Mrs. Hood is to sit up for supper! There will be doings!

Lord, I'd take a camel's-hair brush to you, knowin' how skittish and ticklesome you are, and do it so it would feel good.

Lord, I'd take a camel's-hair brush to you, knowin' how skittish and ticklesome you are, and do it so it would feel good.