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Take your pistols, and at the word thwee begin to advance. "O-ne! T-wo! Thwee!" he shouted angrily and stepped aside. The combatants advanced along the trodden tracks, nearer and nearer to one another, beginning to see one another through the mist. They had the right to fire when they liked as they approached the barrier.

Let the starboard bwoadside guns be twained for the thwee ports where we see the most light, Mr Annesley, and let each gun be fired, as it is bwought to bear."

"And I say boldly that I have not a single man's life on my conscience. Would it be difficult for you to send thirty or thwee hundwed men to town under escort, instead of staining I speak bluntly staining the honor of a soldier?" "That kind of amiable talk would be suitable from this young count of sixteen," said Dolokhov with cold irony, "but it's time for you to drop it."

"Good fellow, Strong ain't he, Miss Bell?" Sir Francis would say to her. "Plays at ecarte with Lady Clavering plays anything, pitch-and-toss, pianoforty, cwibbage if you like. How long do you think he's been staying with me? He came for a week with a carpet-bag, and Gad, he's been staying here thwee years. Good fellow, ain't he? Don't know how he gets a shillin' though, begad I don't, Miss Lauwa."

She gave a glance around, to make sure no one was within ear-shot, and then continued rapidly, "All my life long I've been bwought up to look forward to this time, and to work and plan and pwepare for it. Mother talked as if it would repay me for all my pains, but I've been out thwee seasons now, and I'm tired to death of the everlasting wound. I get so cross and irritated and weary of it all.

Why, that's him in blue and buff." "And a monthous fine man, too," said Cornet Fitch. "I wish we had him in our twoop he'th thix feet thwee, if he'th an inch; ain't he, Genewal?" No reply. "And heavens! Mamma," shrieked the three Gorgons in a breath, "see, one creature is on the whist-table. Oh, the wretch! "I'm sure he's very good-looking," said Lucy, simply.