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It extends from above Maidenhead through the metropolis to the sea, a distance from west to east of 50 miles, having a width varying from 2 to 9 miles. Fine sections have been exposed to view, at different periods, at Brentford and Kew Bridge, others in London itself, and below it at Erith in Kent, on the right bank of the Thames, and at Ilford and Gray's Thurrock in Essex, on the left bank.

I whistled until I felt undignified, and then went straight for the said Thurrock, rather dreading that I should find Achilles awaiting applause for an achievement in in leporicide, I suppose...." "I'm sure you didn't." "I did not. So I waited a little, and was thinking what I had better do next, when the shot came. You can almost see the place from this window."

In the lowest beds of gravel and sand in contact with the Chalk, flint hatchets, some perfect, others much rolled, have been found; and in a sandy bed in this position some workmen, whom I employed to sink a pit, found four flint knives. No species of Cyrena is now met with in a living state in Europe. Mr. a. Interior of left valve, from Gray's Thurrock, Essex. b. Hinge of the same magnified. c.

He rather makes a merit of not having fired again from a misgiving that the dog's owner might be there on a visit. Drews Thurrock, he says, is where he lost sight of the dog, and that is where Achilles seems bent on going. Drews Thurrock is a long half-mile beyond the Keeper's Lodge in Ancester Park, and the Lodge is a long half-mile from the Towers.

R. megarhinus, Christol, being the original and typical R. leptorhinus of Cuvier, founded on Cortesi's Monte Zago cranium, and the ONLY Pliocene, or Pleistocene European species, that had not a nasal septum. Gray's Thurrock, etc.

The only course open to him was to get away out of sight, with implication of a purpose vaguely involving fire-arms. A short turn in the oak-wood as far, perhaps, as Drews Thurrock would fortify his position, without committing him to details: he could make secrecy about them a point of discipline.

This, then, was soon arranged, and after letters had been sent off announcing Anthony's movements, he left Speke Hall with Isabel, about a fortnight later. On the first day of June, Anthony and Isabel, with their three armed servants and the French maid behind them, were riding down through Thurrock to the north bank of the Thames opposite Greenhithe.

Gwen said she knew them; they were parish boundaries. "Well probably that hare was trying what it felt like to be in two parishes at once, for he jumped from behind that stone and started for the Thurrock that's right, isn't it?" "Drews Thurrock? Yes." "It was unfortunately just then that the collar broke.

There are numerous other Dene Holes or Danes' Pits at East Tilbury, Crayford, and Little Thurrock. As to the theory that they were places of Druidical worship, we may dismiss it as not deserving serious consideration. At East Tilbury the entrance to the Danes' pit is from above, by narrow passages that widen and communicate with several apartments, all of regular forms.

She must get at the truth, come what might! She left her mother to express sympathy for old Stephen, remaining rather obdurately silent; checking a wish to say that it served the old man right for meddling with loaded guns. She waited for the subject to die down, and then recurred to its predecessor. Did Mr. Torrens walk straight from Arthur's Bridge to the Thurrock or go roundabout?