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It was already dark as dark at least as a clear night in the English June can be when Skinner or his head at any rate came into the bar of the Jolly Drovers and said: "Ello! You 'aven't 'eard anything of thith 'ere thtory bout my 'enth, 'ave you?" "Oh, 'aven't we!" said Mr. Fulcher.

After you were gone the other evening, Mithith Farquhar wath telling him the general opinion about them in the neighbourhood, and he got quite red and angry. Bleth your thoul, he believth the whole thtory about her Polish huthband and hith wonderful ethcapeth; and ath for her why, he thinkth her perfection, a woman of motht refined fellingth, and no end of thtuff. Mr. Ely smiled.

"I know a better thtory than that air!" said Bobby, growing tired of the long mumbling reading of the dull book. "Do you? Tell it," said the reader. So Bobby began to tell them some of his adventures, upon which they all grew interested and fell asleep. "Don't tell any more like that," said the little reader, when he awoke. "What'th the matter weth it?

"A number of scientific men, passing through this section years afterward, unraveled the mystery. They say that the lime formation of the rocks, through which the water seeps into the lake, has poisoned the water. But you cannot make an Indian believe that." "Ith thith a fairy thtory, or a really-truly thtory?" demanded Tommy. "It is only a legend, Tommy," was Miss Elting's smiling reply.

Heap better thtory than that big book that you're a mumblin' over, Mr. Puddin'." "We don't like interesting stories," said the sleepy reader. "They put us to sleep. This is the best book in the world. It's Rollin's Ancient History, and it hasn't got but a few interesting spots in the whole of it. Those we keep sewed up, so that we can't read them.