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Six-inch trees, throated with rotten remnants of thatched roofs through which they had aspired toward the sun, rose about him. Quick-growing trees had shadowed the kingposts so that the idols and totems, seated in carved shark jaws, grinned greenly and monstrously at the futility of man through a rime of moss and mottled fungus.

Less of it, my boy!" was his deep throated exhortation on such occasions. All the members of the company had to take a hand in the hard graft and menial tasks incidental to the upkeep, management and movement of the show, and neither professional etiquette nor artistic pride could rescue Nicholas Crips from the vulgar task of preparing comestibles for the monkeys.

"How much?" "Four five hundred pounds." "Great heaven!" Mr. Marrapit wildly fingered the air. Margaret, at the end of the lawn, crossed his vision. He called huskily: "Margaret!" She tripped to him. "Father! What is it?" "Barley water!" Mr. Marrapit throated. "Barley water!" While she was upon her errand no words passed between the two. Mr. Marrapit took the glass from her in shaking hands.

The White Lady of Blenkinsopp has fled now, scared from her haunt by the black smoke of tall chimneys and the deep throated blare of steam hooters; coal dust might well lay a more formidable spectre than that of a Lady in White. But no man has ever yet discovered the whereabouts of her hidden treasure, though many have sought.

They saw something written there that had not been visible two years before the outward marks of an inward, and very bitter struggle, and Bridgie flushed beneath the scrutiny of that clear-seeing, childlike gaze, and trembled at the thought of what was to come. "Has anyone been unkind to ye, Bridgie?" asked Pixie in deep, full- throated tones.

The silver-bronze pheasants flitted above the heads of all, flashing like fragments of the spirit of light. And all of a sudden One of them fluttered down and lit on Watson's shoulder. The murmur of the throng dropped to a dead silence. Next moment a stranger thing happened. The little creature broke forth in full- throated song.

Then the last of the supply fleet; that is, the last afloat, came through, and the gap that they had made was closed up at once by the enemy, who still hung on their rear and who were yet shouting and firing. The Americans gave a great cheer, deep and full throated, but they did not pause in their great effort. Boats swung off toward either bank of the bayou's mouth.

A girl in nurse's cap and a faded, much laundered dress of light blue stood before a battered church, beside a timbered breach in its gray stone wall. He was holding her. The song was coming to him, harsh and full throated from many men: "Where do we go from here, boys, where do we go from here?" "We don't go anywhere from here," he heard himself say in anger.

And then, at last, came the thing that made their blood run faster and sent a deeper thrill into their hearts. It seemed a vast distance away at first the hot throated cry of wolves on the trail of meat. It was swinging northward into the plain, and this shortly brought the cry with the wind, which was out of the north and the west.

The gesture called forth deep throated warning from Bart, and he caught back his hand with a start. "It's always that way," said Kate, half amused, half vexed; "Bart won't let a soul touch her when Dan isn't home. Good old Bart, go away, you foolish dog! Don't you see these are friends?"