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The youth knows neither himself, the world nor his adversaries. He is unafraid because he does not know the strength of the forces he would conquer. But society learns from the threshings about of its individuals. And it is the young who thresh about. Mailed in their own ignorance, and propelled by their own marvelous energy, the young go forth to conquer. And so the world learns many things.

Q. Beginning, then, with the power necessary for threshing, a 4 horse power engine, with cylinder 6 inches diameter, pressure of steam 45 lbs., per square inch, and making 140 revolutions per minute, will thresh out 40 quarters of wheat in 10 hours with a consumption of 3 cwt. of coals.

Let me always thresh out the truth with you, and then I'll warrant I shall be out of the crowd." "That may be enough for you, Roland, but it is not enough for me," persisted Bonaparte. Then, as Roland said nothing, he continued, "I have no more sisters, Roland, it is true; but I have dreamed that you might be something more to me than a brother."

As well may you look to see California, which your own Daniel Webster, quite in a certain modern Massachusetts style, once declared in the Senate to be not worth a dollar, now abandoned to Mexico. It seems to me, then, idle to thresh over old straw when the grain is not only winnowed, but gone to the mill.

It launched backward and Skag heard a heavy stroke on the ground, almost before he realised that the lidless eyes of ancient evil had disappeared from so near his face. A mighty shout went up from the people, as the monster coils began to thresh living bamboo into pulp. No one saw the hands of the two Americans grip.

The flail is made of two stout staves of wood jointed with leather. They had flails of harder make than that, harder than the iron nails used in the wars of old times, i.e. Hunger, Necessity, Fate, to beat them on the back, and thresh them on the floor of the earth.

"I am not feeling very pleased with you; that's why." "Great heaven!" said Noel. "What on earth have I done?" "You might have the decency to let me finish my breakfast in peace," protested Nick. "My appetite can't thrive in a stormy atmosphere." Noel turned to him, smiling persuasively. "Can't you take your breakfast into the garden, old chap? I want to thresh this matter out at once.

They could whirl it around their heads, but their father told them to be careful not to hurt one another. "I'm going to thresh some peas!" cried Hal. "And I'll use it on my beans so I can get the ten dollar gold prize!" cried Mab.

So slight indeed were the determining causes that changed my autumn holiday into an undertaking the most momentous I have ever approached. Two days more preceded the change. On the first, the southwesterly wind still holding, we sallied forth into Augustenburg Fiord, 'to practise smartness in a heavy thresh, as Davies put it.

"To have the key" is an expression used by harvesters elsewhere in the sense of to cut or bind or thresh the last sheaf; hence, it is equivalent to the phrases "You have the Old Man," "You are the Old Man," which are addressed to the cutter, binder, or thresher of the last sheaf.