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South Dakota Biennial. Constitutional Convention hard to call. C. Large Legislative vote necessary: Florida, three-fifths, biennial. Georgia, two-thirds, annual. Maine, two-thirds, biennial. Michigan, two-thirds, biennial. Initiative petition also possible. North Carolina, three-fifths, biennial. Ohio, three-fifths, biennial. Initiative petition also possible. West Virginia, two-thirds, biennial.

It is not overstating facts when I say that three-fifths of the people buy some of these patent nostrums, which the real medical men denounce, showing that the masses of the people are densely ignorant, the victims of any faker who may shout his wares loud enough.

That the whole number of the slaves in the island of Jamaica, in 1768, was about 167,000, in 1774, about 193,000, and in 1787, about 256,000: that by comparing these numbers with the numbers imported and retained in the said island during all these years, and making proper allowances, the annual excess of deaths above births was in the proportion of about seven-eighths per cent.; that in the first six years of this period it was in the proportion of rather more than one on every hundred; that in the last thirteen years of the same it was in the proportion of about three-fifths on every hundred; and that a number of slaves, amounting to fifteen thousand, perished during the latter period, in consequence of repeated hurricanes, and of the want of foreign supplies of provisions.

"She, too, had only needed a part, and used only what she asked the Lord for, and then she, in her turn, gave the rest away. The most wonderful part of it is, that the money you gave back to me, and I gave to the Lord, was three-fifths of the amount you received, and the money the little invalid gave away to the Lord was also three-fifths the amount she received.

No first match ever stays alight for more than three-fifths of a second. The second was more successful. The sudden light dazzled him for a moment. When his eyes had grown accustomed to it, the match went out. He lit a third, and this time he saw all round the little chamber.

My grandmother, as I have stated, was pure-bred Castilian or Catalonian, for I suppose they mixed. But one can never be quite certain how much Spanish there is in an Irishman from the west, so I have always started with the premise that the result of that marriage my father was three-fifths Latin. Father married a Galvez, who was half Scotch; so I suppose I'm an American."

He remarked that in the temporary allotment of representatives made by the Committee, the Southern States had received more than the number of their white and three-fifths of their black inhabitants entitled them to. Mr. Sherman.

There will be double rations to-night all round no half-rations, quarter-rations.... No, three-fifths of an ounce of dog-meat and a spoonful of alcohol that's all; that's all, men. Pretty cold night, this minus thirty-eight. Only a quarter of a mile covered to-day. Everybody suffering in their feet, and so weak and starving and freezing." All at once the voice became a wail.

Peace had now come, and the question was, whether the power of these four and a half millions of men should be continually used against the Northern States, against the loyalty which had saved the Union. Only three-fifths of their number, in the day when the Southern States were true to the Union, were admitted in the basis of representation.

The three-fifths rule gave the slaveholding States, over and above all their just representation, eighteen Representatives beside, by the enumeration of 1860. "The new situation will enable those States, when relationships are resumed, to claim twenty-eight Representatives beside their just proportion.