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Carey saying that he thought it might be a good plan to have one of the party who was to remain in London to have the amount placed to his credit somewhere, so that he could act as Treasurer for the two divisions of labor, and draw all the checks or drafts necessary. Dr. Blackman spoke to Thomlinson, saying that he thought well of that plan. "'Well, gentlemen, Mr.

"Very soon the conversation took a turn in another direction, and Jackson inquired if the Captain thought there were any persons in London looking after the interests of the Confederacy, to which the Captain replied that Jacob Thomlinson, C. C. Carey, and one or two others that he did not know, were there on a secret mission, the nature of which was not fully known to him, as he had only returned to Richmond from Mexico on one day and left under orders the next, and had to run the blockade in order to get away.

Jacob Thomlinson, he replied that he did, and then in turn asked the bank officer the same question. He answered that Mr. Thomlinson was well known to the bank, and, in fact, was then in the back room in consultation with some other gentlemen. This seemed to nettle the Captain, as he felt that he was watched by Thomlinson. Jackson asked the Captain if he was ready to return.

"God bless my soul! This is unheard of. How came you by this, Sir?" "Miss Brodie " began Dunn. "Miss Brodie?" "She is in the waiting room, Sir." "Then, for heaven's sake, bring her in! Davie, Davie! Where is that man now? Here, Davie, a message to Mr. Thomlinson." Davie entered with deliberate composure. "My compliments to Mr. Thomlinson, and ask if he would step over at once.

"The propositions having been submitted in due form, the Chairman stated that they were before the assembly and open for consideration. Jacob Thomlinson opened the discussion, and said that these propositions were of the most vital importance; that the success of the Confederacy hung upon the action of this assembly.

Quite a large room in the rear of the Victoria Hotel had been procured, in which the gentlemen were to meet, and Wintergreen, having been designated by Jacob Thomlinson for that purpose, notified the various delegates of the time and place of meeting.

Rae in forty years' experience had never been so seriously disturbed. To his intense humiliation he found himself abjectly appealing to the senior member of the firm of Thomlinson & Shields. Not that Mr. Thomlinson was obdurate; in the presence of mere obduracy Mr.

Jackson, being a very deliberate man, advised the Captain not to have any discussion with Thomlinson, but to take everything for granted and to agree to whatever plans the gentlemen at the rooms might suggest; that he could leave the country whenever he wished, and not meet them at any point in the United States or Canada. The Captain, with some warmth, said: "'Mr.

Thomlinson invited them to visit him at his hotel, 'The Palace, near Buckingham Palace, on the following evening, stating he would have some friends who would be pleased to meet them. Jackson was very desirous to accept this invitation, as perhaps the opportunity would be afforded to get some information of value, and was consequently delighted that Capt.

Rae might have found relief in the conscious possession of more generous and humane instincts than those supposed to be characteristic of the members of his profession. Mr. Thomlinson, however, was anything but obdurate. He was eager to oblige, but he was helpless. The instructions he had received were simple but imperative, and he had gone to unusual lengths in suggesting to Mr.