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I'm a committee to mention the subject and to collect your thirty-eights if y'u agree with us." "And if I don't agree with you?" "There's all outdoors ready to receive y'u, seh. It would be a pity to stay in the one spot where your welcome's wore thin." "Still I may choose to stay."

"Why I find that when I bought cartridges for that pistol I got thirty-eights and the pistol is a forty-five!" The whole crowd laughed at that. Purt Sweet really was too funny for anything. They got another good laugh on him before they went back to the island.

Jose bring me a box of those thirty-eights, will you?" Wistful glances were cast at the pasteboard box, as the boys fondled the guns, worked the cartridge ejectors, examined the magazines and looked over the sights at imaginary game. "Better fall to, now, and strike camp, so the pack train can go on ahead," advised the guide.

"They were made by Indians, and some of them have been used by Indians, not only for hunting, but against men as well. A shot from one of those arrows might put an end to any one of you fully as quickly as would a bullet from one of your thirty-eights." "Shall we help ourselves?" asked Ned. "Wait. I'll divide them according to your size and strength. These two are war bows.