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For our Lord plainly said to 'is disciples arter he came out o' the tomb 'Behold my hands and my feet, handle me and see, an' to the doubtin' Thomas He said 'Reach hither thy hand and thrust it into my side, and be not faithless but believing. David, you mark my words! them as 'as their bodies burnt in crematorums is just as dirty in their souls as they can be, an' they 'opes to burn all the blackness o' theirselves into nothingness an' never to rise no more, 'cos they'se afraid!

Repartee is where I say: 'Ye stole a horse' an' ye say: 'But think iv ye'er wife! In Ar-rchy r-road 'tis called disordherly conduct. They'se another play on where a man r-runs off with a woman that's no betther thin she ought to be. He bates her an' she marries a burglar. Another wan is about a lady that ates dinner with a German. He bites her an' she hits him with a cabbage.

If it wasn't f'r me, th' poor thing'd have closed down the wurruks, an' gone to th' far-rm long ago. An' wan day, whin he's takin' th' air, p'raps, along comes an Eyetalyan, an' says he, 'Ar-re ye a king? 'That's my name, says his majesty. 'Betther dead, says th' Eyetalyan; an' they'se a scramble, an' another king goes over th' long r-road. "I don't know much about arnychists.

He says to himsilf, he says: 'They'se nawthin' f'r me to do, he says, 'but load up me little lyddite cannon with th' green goods, he says, 'an' set here at the organ, he says, 'pull out th' stops an' paint th' town iv Pretoria green, he says. 'But, he says, 'on sicond thought, suppose th' inimy shud hand it back to me, he says. 'Twud be oncomfortable, he says.

'I tell ye here an' now, he says, 'they'se as good business men in th' quite counthry graveyards iv Kansas as ye can find in the palathial lunch- counthers iv Wall street, he says. 'Whin I see th' face iv that man who looks like a two-dollar pitcher iv Napolyeon at Saint Heleena, he says, 'I say to mesilf, ye shall not ye shall not' what th' divvle is it ye shall not do, Hinnissy?"

"They'se not open to trippers." "To what?" demanded Roger. "Visitors, strangers like," explained the boy. "I like that," said Roger, flushing indignantly. "Hush, Roger," interposed his mother. "No offense was meant. What are these chains? They seem very old." "They were used long time ago to hang criminals. They do say they put 'em there alive and left 'em to the corbies." "Corbies?

His chin trembled, as if he were about to cry, and sighed: "Fader an' mammy's quarrelled; the mocking-bird won't sing. Ride for the doctor! ride hard! Oh! oh! too late, little chillen! They'se both dead!" He returned to perfect knowledge in a moment, and fixed his eyes on Vesta, saying, "I leave you poor. I tried hard. Perhaps "

He was fr'm th' County May-o, but a good man f'r all that; an', whin he'd growed to be a big, sthrappin' fellow, he wint on to th' fire departmint. They'se an Irishman 'r two on th' fire departmint an' in th' army, too, Jawn, though ye'd think be hearin' some talk they was all runnin' prim'ries an' thryin' to be cinthral comitymen. So ye wud.

They'se no quiet f'r annybody. They's a fight on ivry minyit iv th' time. Ye may say to ye'ersilf: 'I'll lave these la-ads roll each other as much as they plaze, but I'll set here in th' shade an' dhrink me milk punch, but ye can't do it. Some wan 'll say, 'Look at that gazabo settin' out there alone. He's too proud f'r to jine in our simple dimmycratic festivities.

Faith, he's changed his chune, an' 'tis 'Sthrangers wanst, but brothers now, with him, an' 'Hands acrost th' sea an' into some wan's pocket, an' 'Take up th' white man's burden an' hand it to th' coons, an' 'An open back dure an' a closed fr-ront dure. 'Tis th' same with all iv thim. They'se me frind Joe Choate. Where 'd Joe spind th' night?