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Near his head ticked a pocket alarm clock, which they found set to gong at two o'clock. "It seems a shame to wake him," said Theodolinda. The sleeper stirred, and a radiant smile passed over his unconscious features a smile of pure and heavenly beatitude. "Say when, Jerry," he murmured. "He's dreaming!" cried Theodolinda. "See, his soul is far away!" "Two years away," said Bleak enviously.

He was engaged in making his will, and had found to his secret bitterness that after bequeathing a few personal trinkets to the office staff there was really no one to whom he could leave the bulk of his misfortune. Theodolinda, of course, he had quite cut off from his estate.

A robin with a hang-over is one of the funniest things in the world." "We saw one!" cried Theodolinda. "He was more than hanging over he had fallen right off!" "There's a butterfly here," said Bleak "Rather a friend of mine, who can give a bumble bee the knock-out after he gets his drop of rum. I've seen him chase a wasp all over the lot."

"Very queer," he said to Theodolinda through the speaking tube, "the air here has very little carrying power. It seems extraordinarily thin. You might think we were flying in a partial vacuum." From the behavior of the plane it was evident that some curious atmospheric condition was prevailing.

I assure you that if you underestimate the power of the millions of thirsty mouths that speak through us, you will rue the consequences. Trouble is brewing " "Neither trouble, nor anything else, is brewing nowadays," said the terrible Bishop. Theodolinda saw that Quimbleton was losing ground by his incorrigible habit of talking before he said anything.

Purplevein, who was rather a decent sort, hastened to Bleak's hotel to offer his congratulations. Bleak, who was sitting quietly with Mrs. Bleak, Quimbleton and Theodolinda, greeted him calmly. Poor Purplevein was very much broken up, and Quimbleton and Theodolinda, in the goodness of their hearts, arranged a quiet little seance for his benefit.

I have great honor in presenting to you my betrothed fiancee, Miss Theodolinda Chuff. Do not be startled by the name, gentlemen. Miss Chuff, the daughter of our arch-enemy, is wholly in sympathy with us. I have persuaded her to demonstrate them for our benefit. If you will follow my instructions implicitly, you will have the good fortune of witnessing an alcoholic seance."

"Yes," said I, repeating my Baedeker as accurately as he, "the Villa Reale, and the Iron Crown of the Emperors of the West." "Exactly so, sir, and the cathedral built " "By Theodolinda, Queen of the Lombards, A.D. 595, restored in the sixteenth century. I know; I only asked whether you could get me a decent carriage." "A matchless one!

"I am Miss Chuff," she said calmly. The editor's brain staggered. "Miss Theodolinda Chuff?" he said, in amazement. He recalled some satirical editorials the Balloon had printed concerning the activities of the Chuffs, and wondered if he were being kidnaped for court-martial by the Pan-Antis. Evidently the use of Quimbleton's name had been a ruse.

"Bless your heart for this grub," said Quimbleton to Bleak. "As soon as I smelt that shrimp salad I woke up. Do you know, I haven't eaten for two days." "Oh Virgil!" cried Theodolinda, "what does this mean all the crowd round the Home? Mr. Bleak and I looked up there, and the place is simply packed. You can't stay undiscovered long with all those people around. Who are they, anyway?"