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And the man knew him again, for he raised his whip in a deferential salute. "Not much damage done this morning?" cried Dick. "No, sir. I drove 'em home afterwards, broken pole an' all," said Spong. "That's not the same pair, is it?" "No, sir. This lot is theayter, the bays is park." So Mr. Hiram Fenshawe, whoever he was, owned the yacht, and ran at least two fine equipages from his town house.

And many's the time I've seen him a lookin' as if he wished I was away, poor young man: and he took to coming in service-time, when I wasn't at home, of course: but she always had one of the boys up if her Pa wasn't at home, or old Mr. Bowser with her a teaching of her her lesson, or one of the young ladies of the theayter."

These rhetorical questions hardly fitted the situation, especially the one about throwing away money. "Look-y here, Mawruss," he said, "if you think you scare me by this theayter acting you're mistaken. Just calm yourself, Mawruss, and tell me what you heard it. I ain't heard nothing." For answer Morris handed him the evening paper.

Even when George Smith offered to go to the theayter with Emma instead of 'im he didn't fire up, and, if it 'adn't ha' been for Mrs. Cook, George wouldn't ha' been sorry that 'e spoke. "Theayters ain't for me," ses Charlie, with a groan. "I'm more likely to go to gaol, so far as I can see, than a theayter." Mrs.

An' then I never seen any person's face look so sad. But she begun tellin' me right off w'at a fine place the kid was at, an' how the theayter wasn't no place for a chile. An' she says, 'Bert, I wan' him to stay w'ere he's happy an' safe, she says. 'Even if I nev' see him again, she says. Well, it give me the shivers then. Psychic, I guess." Bert paused, staring into space. "And then?"

They'll be no blessin' on it, now you mark." "Aunt Libby say whether she wanted stoned raisins?" asked Brother Littell, who was copying off the list on the order book. "I disremember, but you better send up the reg'lar raisins. Gittin' too many newfangled contraptions these days. They're a-callin' it a theayter right now, the Babtists is. What you astin' fer your eatin' apples? Whew!

My souls alive! I don't wonder you grocery storekeepers git rich in a hurry. No, I guess you needn't send 'ny up. Taste too strong o' money. Don't have no good apples now no more anyways. All so dried up and pethy. An' what is it but a theayter, I'd like to know? Weth your lectures about the Ar'tic regions an' your mum-socials, an' all like that, chargin' money fer to git in the meetin' house.

"What are we running here, anyhow, Shellak a cloak-and-suit house oder a theayter?" Aaron hastily replaced the instrument in its case. "I am only showing it to Nathan," he mumbled by way of explanation. "Might he would like to buy it maybe." "If you want to sell fiddles, Shellak," Abe said, "do it outside business hours. That's all I got to say."

George wanted to ask about the theayter, but 'e didn't like to, and arter Gerty was dressed they went out and Ted paid the 'bus fares like a man. "Here you are," ses Gerty, as the 'bus stopped outside the theayter. "Hurry up and get the tickets, George; ask for three upper circles."

She seems a hard-working, staunch little soul, and all that relieves the sordidness of her life and lightens the dreariness of her work is the 'theayter, as she calls it. So don't destroy her illusions, John. You'll do her more harm than good." "Not if I give her something real in the place of what you rightly term her illusions." "You can't.