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'Therefore, wrote Luther to Kathe, 'it must be seen that God is Exauditor precum. He sent her some trout as a thankoffering from Countess Albert. He wrote to her: 'We hope to return home this week, if God will. On the 16th and 17th of that month the reconciliation upon all the points of dispute was formally concluded.

In 1290 he applied the same policy to England, and their exile was so popular an act that parliament made him a special grant as a thankoffering. But though Edward thus drove the Jews to seek new homes beyond sea, he allowed them to carry their property with them, and punished the mariners who took advantage of the helplessness of their passengers to rob and murder them.

"Science is good," said the physician, "but for steady, continuous nursing, with no science in it, Religion is better and I know Sister Ursula." So this sick man was nursed by a nun, young and fairly pretty, but, above all, skilful. When he got better he would give the convent, and not Sister Ursula, a thankoffering which would be spent among the poor whom Sister Ursula chiefly attended.

The church was decreed in 1630 as a thankoffering to the Virgin for staying the plague of that year. Hence the name S. Mary of Salvation. It was designed by Baldassarre Longhena, a Venetian architect who worked during the first half of the seventeenth century and whose masterpiece this is. It is, as it was bound to be in his hands and no doubt was in reality, a busy scene.

Madison grinned. "Some friends of the Hopper's. Mr. and Mrs. Thankoffering you'll like them immensely, Helena. The lady walks quite well now, and " "Walks!" exclaimed the Flopper, who evidently had not assimilated Madison's previous reference to Mrs. Thornton. "De lady dat I come wid in de private car walks?" "Of course," said Madison pleasantly. "Cured? All cured?" gasped the Flopper.

I cannot do anything hastily, for you know Maplewood is still in the hands of the executors, and I cannot tell what claims there may be upon me; but by-and-by, when I return, if I find no other pressing duty, might not a church at Cocksmoor be a thankoffering for all I have found here?" "Oh, Alan, what joy it would be!"

Here in 1532 his son João III. dedicated a reredos of alabaster and black marble as a thankoffering for the birth of a son. Like Nicolas' work at São Marcos the altar piece is full of exquisite carving, more beautiful than in his older work. In the large central niche, with its fringe of cusps, is the 'Entombment, where Our Lord is being laid by angels in a beautiful sarcophagus.

The sacrifice of Christ is the ground on which our sacrifices can be offered and accepted, for it was the sacrifice of a death propitiatory and cleansing, and on it, as the ancient ritual taught us, may be reared the enthusiastic sacrifice of a life a thankoffering for it. Nor is it only the ground on which our sacrifice is accepted, but it is the great motive by which our sacrifice is impelled.

Castell answered, "Yes," and, by way of earnest of it, produced five pieces of gold, and giving them to the Captain Arrano, begged him to distribute them among his soldiers as a thankoffering for their protection of them through the streets.

John's Hospital, as at St. Bernard's, the grateful wanderer who had found a refuge would leave behind him his thankoffering in recognition of the kindly treatment he had met with, and it might happen that these free gifts constituted no small portion of the income on which the canons for the most part a humble and unpretentious set of men-kept up their houses.