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She whisked round again so rapidly that she overturned a pan of cream; her cheeks were flaming, her eyes flashing with anger. "I'll be thankin' ye not to talk to me that way, grandfather," she cried. "I declare it's enough to vex a saint! I won't have Mr. Quinn, an' wouldn't if he gave me a carpet of gould to walk upon. That's me answer, an' he needn't be waitin' for me, for I won't have him."

"Say something! say what, Massa Brace?" "I mean a prayer." "Prayer! wha's dat?" "Surely, Snowy, you know what a prayer be?" "Nebba heerd ob de ting, nebba in all ma life!" "Well, it be to say somethin' to Him as keeps watch up aloft, either by way o' askin' for somethin' you want to get, or thankin' Him for what you ha' got arready.

He don't take no interest in nothin', least of all in his victuals and a man's in a bad way when he takes no interest in his victuals. Yes, I'll take another pancake, thankin' you kindly. You've got a rare light hand for pancakes. Rare rare ain't quite the word." "But what could Miss Gordon do?" asked Marie. "Well, she could kinder interest him in things don't you see?

She was going to be severe with him, but the mild humor of his smile brought confusion upon her. "You don't lack conceit, whatever your other shortcomings," she managed, her face rosy. "Well now, I'm thankin' you, ma'am, for lettin' me off so easy," he said. "I was expectin' you'd be pretty hard on me for talkin' that way. I've been wonderin' what made me say it.

You better fan it out of this while you got the chanct." "Did they send you over to push that bluff or are you talkin' straight?" "S' help me! It's the bleedin' truth!" "Well, I'm thankin' you. But get goin' afore I change my mind." "Would you shake with a bum?" queried Waco. "Why all right. You're tryin' to play square, I reckon. Wait a minute!

"The captain must be an utter brute." "I figger he's nine tenths man, an' the other tenth devil, but there ain't no human bein' can change any of them ten parts. Good-by. I'm thankin' you. My name's Harrigan." She opened the door for him. "If you wish to have that dressing changed, ask for Miss Malone." "Ah-h!" said Harrigan. "Malone!" She explained coldly: "I'm Scotch, not Irish."

An' I'm reckonin' Collie would be married to Jack now if it hadn't been for you." "Ahuh!... That's why I'm thankin' God I happened along to White Slides. Belllounds, your big mistake is thinkin' your son is good enough for this girl. An' you're makin' mistakes about me. I've interfered here, an' you may take my word for it I had the right." "Strange talk, Wade, but I'll make allowances."

Fifteen minutes later Stafford entered the office to find his stray-man still seated in the chair, his head bowed in his hands. He did not look up as the manager entered, and the latter stepped over to him and laid a friendly hand on his shoulder. "I'm thankin' you for what you've done for me," he said. Ferguson rose, leaning one hand on the back of the chair upon which he had been sitting.

Be my faix, it's on your knees you ought to be this same night, thankin' the Almighty for His goodness, and not grumblin' an' sthreelin' about the place, flyin' in the face of God for sendin' you an' your wife ablessin' for sure I hear the Scripthur says that all childhres a blessin' if they're resaved as sich; an' wo be to the man, says Scripthur, dat's born wid a millstone about his neck, especially if he's cast into the say.

He drew the cinch tight with a vigorous jerk that brought a grunt of protest from his mount. "That's right," he continued, addressing the horse, "hump yourself, an' swell up and grunt, damn you; you ought to be thankin' God that you ain't nothin' but a hoss, nohow, with no feelin' 'cept what's in your belly." He dropped the heavy stirrup with a vicious slap, and swung to his seat.