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"Pull in your horses," said Thamar to the Pharaoh; "the noise of the wheels in this solitude and silence might startle the fugitive, and she would again escape you." The Pharaoh thought this advice sound, and in spite of his impatience made his horses slacken their impetuous pace. "There is the place," said Thamar; "I left the door open. Go in. I shall look after the horses."

En la ciudad de Toledo, en la ciudad de Granada, hay un garrido mancebo que Diego León se llama. Namorose de Thamar, que era hebrea castellana.... There still echoed in her memory fragments of these ancient chronicles that had brought many a tremor to her dreamy childhood.

On hearing this, the officer took Thamar by the hand, led her through the first pylon and through the avenue of pillars and the hypostyle hall into a second court, where rose the granite sanctuary, with its two outer columns with lotus capitals. There, calling Timopht, he handed Thamar over to him. Timopht led the servant to the terrace where sat the Pharaoh, gloomy and silent.

"Now we are spreading over America. Governments change, peoples spread over the face of the earth, but we are ever the same. Not without reason do we await the Messiah. He will come, some day." On one of his morning visits to the ill appointed bank Aguirre was introduced to Zabulon's two daughters, Sol and Estrella, and to his wife, Thamar.

He also added that the emissaries of the Pharaoh were everywhere looking for Tahoser, the daughter of the high-priest Petamounoph, who had disappeared from her palace. "You see that I was right, mistress," said Thamar, triumphantly. "Hora and Tahoser are one and the same person." "That may be," replied Poëri, "but there are a number of difficulties which my reason does not explain.

He at last compelled them to enter that strangely opened road. The six hundred cars followed. The Israelites of the rear guard, among whom were Poëri, Ra'hel, and Thamar, believed themselves lost when they saw the enemy taking the same road that they had traversed.

The sound of her voice was sympathetic and sweet, and the foreign accent added greater grace to it. Tahoser was touched in spite of herself, and replied, "I feel better. Your kind care will soon have restored me." "Do not tire yourself with speaking," answered the Israelite, placing her hand on Tahoser's lips. "Try to sleep, to regain your strength. Thamar and I will watch over you."

Besides, Thamar, like all old women, was prejudiced against beauty, and in this respect Tahoser proved very unpleasant to her. The faithful servant forgave beauty in her mistress only; for her good looks she considered as her property, and she was proud and jealous of them.

Though she was perfectly well aware of the manner of Tahoser's disappearance, Thamar raised a piece of the drapery stretched in the corner of the room, as if the Egyptian might have been concealed behind it. She opened the door of the hut and standing on the threshold minutely explored the neighbourhood with her glance; then turning towards the interior, she signed negatively to her mistress.

"I will put her in your hands, you may be sure," said the old woman, with a strident laugh. What was the motive which had led Thamar to inform the Pharaoh of the retreat where the priest's daughter was in hiding? She wished to prevent a union which she disliked.