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Two busts, in relief, of excellent workmanship, are elevated over the attic windows; one is the father, and the other the refiner of the British, stage Shakespear and Garrick. Also two figures eight feet high, are said to be under the chissel, one of Thalia, and the other of Melpomene, the comic and the tragic muses; the value one hundred and sixty guineas.

And Lewis would plod up the hill and take his turn at the tin washbasin, and then file down the men's side of the stairs to the dining-room, where he and the three old brothers sat at one table, and Athalia and the eight sisters sat at the other table. After supper he had the chance to see Athalia and to make sure that she was not looking tired. "You didn't take cold yesterday, 'Thalia?

'Then, he added, 'we shall see whether Thalia or Melpomene whether the Allegra or the Penserosa will carry off the symbol of victory. 'There can be no doubt, said Mr Glowry, 'which way the scale will incline, or Scythrop is no true scion of the venerable stem of the Glowries.

Autrement, there was Coombe Wood, in whose shade the Lady Archibald Campbell suffered more than one of Shakespeares plays to be enacted. Hither, from the garish, indelicate theatre that held her languishing, Thalia was bidden, if haply, under the open sky, she might resume her old charm.

Nay over all Hellas if thou searchest, thou shalt find more than one sight can view. O king Zeus the Accomplisher, grant them with so light feet to move through life, give them all honour, and sweet hap of their goodly things. This ode was to be sung, probably by a chorus of boys, at the winner's city Orchomenos, and most likely in the temple of the three or Graces, Aglaia, Euphrosyne and Thalia.

We see the same thought expressed in the same kind of metaphor in the bold but beautiful expression which occurs in the letters from Raphael to Julius in the magazine, The Thalia "When Columbus made the risky wager with an untraveled sea." *

"No," said the Doctor. "Why, he says he knows you." "That may be." "He says you treated his wife one night when she was very ill" "What name?" "Reisen." The Doctor reflected a moment. "I believe I recollect him. Is he away up on Benjamin street, close to the river, among the cotton-presses?" "Yes. Thalia street they call it now. He says" "Does he keep a large bakery?" interrupted the Doctor.

Such is the calm grandeur of the scene, that one could imagine some Thalia investing it with a poetic charm the gods might muse over. "It is not quite time yet," says the man, starting suddenly to his feet. He again approaches a gas-light, looks attentively at his watch, then saunters to the corner of Fourth and Thompson streets.

So the winter and spring were devoted mainly to historical reading. At the same time, however, 'The Ghostseer' was carried along in the now resuscitated Thalia, and the long poem, 'The Artists', was slowly and with infinite revision got ready for publication in the Merkur. During this period he saw little or nothing of Goethe and steadily nursed a splenetic determination not to like the man.

I should not think of bargaining with the votaries of Thalia a muse so highly favoured by Apollo, and as eagerly sought after, and enthusiastically applauded, at the court of his most gracious majesty as in town and country everywhere."