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Sometimes these words were slang in Latin itself; sometimes they were used as slang only after they passed into English. The French word tête, which means "head," comes from the Latin testa, "a pot." The word insult comes from the Latin insultarc, which meant at first "to spring or leap at," and afterwards came to have the same meaning as it has with us.

The maxim of Horace: "Quo semel est imbuta recens servabit odorem Testa diu," is of universal application, nor has it ever greater force than when reference is had to ideas, connected with the terrors of an unseen world, and where the mind that entertains them is destitute of the advantages of education.

The Ephemerides speaks of epilepsy manifested only on the birthday. Testa mentions epilepsy recurring at the festival of St. John, and Bartholinus reports a case in which the convulsions corresponded with the moon's phases. Paullini describes epilepsy which occurred during the blowing of wind from the south, and also speaks of epilepsy during the paroxysms of which the individual barked.

The Dorian palace calls however, and people must give way to things where the miraculous powers of Benvenuto Garofani are concerned; where Lodovico Caracci exhibits a testa del redentore beyond all praise, uniting every excellence, and expressing every perfection; where, in the deluge represented by Bonati, one sees the eagle drooping from a weight of rain, majestic in his distress, and looking up to the luminous part of the picture as if hoping to discover some ray of that sun he never shall see again.

The whole of the envelopes of the berry of wheat amount to 3 lb. in 100 lb. of wheat. No. 5 indicates the testa or episperm.

"Maladetta sia la vostra testa!" "Curses be upon your head!" said one whom I passed without notice. The priests are, however, the greatest beggars.

He is, as ye may well suppose from such a tendency, but of yeoman extraction servabit odorem testa diu and I believe, between ourselves, his grandsire was from the wrong side of the Border one Bullsegg, who came hither as a steward, or bailiff, or ground-officer, or something in that department, to the last Girnigo of Killancureit, who died of an atrophy.

In the words 'la spaziosa testa e distesa' lies the feeling for grander forms, which go beyond a graceful prettiness; the eyebrows with him no longer resemble two bows, as in the Byzantine ideal, but a single wavy line; the nose seems to have been meant to be aquiline; the broad, full breast, the arms of moderate length, the effect of the beautiful hand, as it lies on the purple mantle all this foretells the sense of beauty of a coming time, and unconsciously approaches to that of classical antiquity.

Rubini's voice was an organ of prodigious range by nature, to which his own skill had added several highly effective notes. His chest range, it is asserted by Fetis, covered two octaves from C to C, which was carried up to F in the voce di testa.

On the 9th I arrived at Frankfort on the Oder, from which place we found more commodious lodgings in traversing Germany, than we had been accustomed to for a long time. While passing the city of Gia , on the 15th of March, I had the good fortune to meet with Stephen Testa, whom I had sent from Moscow to Venice for money.