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In what this art consisted in his day, he tells us in short, crackling speech; "Primum, bene arare; secundum, arare; tertium, stercorare." For the rest, he says, choose good seed, sow thickly, and pull all the weeds. Nothing more would be needed to grow as good a crop upon the checkered plateau under my window as ever fattened among the Sabine Hills.

What we have left unfinished in this discussion of the dream-wish we shall be able to develop later. The "tertium comparationis" in the comparisons just employed i.e. the sum placed at our free disposal in proper allotment admits of still finer application for the illustration of the dream structure. We can recognize in most dreams a center especially supplied with perceptible intensity.

The Tertium Quid pulled his moustache, and replied that horrid people were unworthy of the consideration of nice people. 'But they have done more than talk they have written written to my hubby I'm sure of it, said the Man's Wife, and she pulled a letter from her husband out of her saddle-pocket and gave it to the Tertium Quid.

The dates assigned for A.'s birth and death, do not agree with the age ascribed to him. They may be harmonized in either of two ways, each of which has its advocates: by reading primum instead of tertium, or, which is perhaps a more probable amendment, since it only alters the relative position of the two characters, by reading LIV instead of LVI. Quod si. And if, now if. Habitum.

'Now we're going to Thibet, said the Man's Wife merrily, as the horses drew near to Fagoo. She was riding on the cliff-side. 'Into Thibet, said the Tertium Quid, 'ever so far from people who say horrid things, and hubbies who write stupid letters. With you to the end of the world!

We may well close the book, alarmed at the slough of the imbecility whence the art of healing has come down to us. In the midst of these imbecilities, the preludes of medicine, we find a mention of the "fuller." Tertium qui vocatur fullo, albis guttis, dissectum utrique lacerto adalligant, says the text.

Yorick and I were slithering over, just like the loathly Tertium Quid on the Mushobra Road; and there is plenty of Indian corn in the valley! I thought of it, all in a flash, and it wasn't enlivening, I assure you." "That is enough," Maurice protested hastily. Tragedy oppressed him to the verge of annoyance. "But tell me who was the knight-errant, that I may at least shake hands with him."

The coolies worked away, and the Man's Wife and the Tertium Quid watched and talked for a couple of hours while the grave was being deepened. Then a coolie, taking the earth in baskets as it was thrown up, jumped over the grave. 'That's queer, said the Tertium Quid. 'Where's my ulster? 'What's queer? said the Man's Wife.

For it to be possible to prove that I perceive, not the object, but that tertium quid which is sensation, it has to be admitted that the nervous system is a reality external to sensation and that objects which assume, in relation to it, the rôle of excitants and of which we perceive the existence, are likewise realities external to sensation.

The Scientific Genesis emphatically repudiates the idea of any divine agency in the growth of plants and trees, and insists that "life," in all its manifold phases, is only "an undiscovered correlative of motion," or, at best, only a sort of tertium quid between matter and motion.