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Mère Royaume!" raised by those who knew the old woman, and taken up by many who did not they swept the foe, shaken by the fall of their leader, along the narrow Tertasse, pressed on them, and, still shouting the new war-cry, entered the gateway along with them. "Mère Royaume! Mère Royaume!"

At the Tertasse Gate, where the view commanding the river valley opened before him, he was glad to set down the vessel and change hands. On his left, the watch at the Porte Neuve, the gate in the ramparts which admitted from the country to the Corraterie as the Tertasse admitted from the Corraterie to the town proper was being changed, and he paused an instant, gazing on the scene.

It should be said that in addition to the Tertasse Gate, two lesser gates, the Treille on the one hand and the Monnaye on the other, led from the town proper to the Corraterie; and this time he chose to go out by the Treille.

"But I cannot tell you here. I will follow you, honoured sir, to " "The Porte Tertasse." "Mercier would meet us, by your leave," Louis rejoined with a faint grin. The magistrate glared at the tool who on a sudden was turned adviser. Still, for the time he must humour him. "The mills, then, on the bridge," he muttered. And he opened the door with care and went out.

This time, and though he now had the wind at his back, he walked briskly; as a man would walk in such weather, or as a man might walk who had done his business. Claude waited until his coarse, heavy figure had disappeared through the Porte Tertasse; nay, he waited until the light began to fail.

To carry the alarm to the Porte Neuve, therefore, and secure that gate, seemed to be the first and most urgent step; since to secure the Tertasse and the other inner gates would be of little avail, if the main body of the enemy were once in possession of the ramparts.

Honour, faith, duty, all forbid it!" "And love?" he cried. "And love!" she answered. "For who would love dishonoured? Who would love in shame? No; go as you have come, and give the alarm! And do, and help! Go, as you have come! But how" with a startled look as she thought of the trap-door "did you come?" "By the Tertasse Gate," he explained. "There were but two men on guard, and they were asleep.

The house in the Corraterie, near the Porte Tertasse, differed in no outward respect from its neighbours. The same row of chestnut trees darkened its lower windows, the same breezy view of the Rhone meadows, the sloping vineyards and the far-off Jura lightened its upper rooms. A kindred life, a life apparently as quiet and demure, moved within its walls. Yet was the house a house apart.

Of Providence, foreknowledge, will and fate, Fixed fate, free will, foreknowledge absolute, the things he had come to study; but of a woman's trouble and the secret life of the house behind him, of which he was about to form part. At length the call of a sentry at the Porte Tertasse startled him from his thoughts.

As he passed through the gateway he hung an instant and cast an inquisitive eye into the guard-room of the Tertasse. It was nearly empty. Two men sat drowsing before the fire, their boot-heels among the embers, a black jack between them.