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After characterising each colour separately in a couplet, he ends: "E il rosso, il bianco, e il verde, È un terno che si giuoca, e non si perde." The phrase is borrowed from the language of the lottery. I am tempted to give here another of Mrs.

The total amount to be played for that day, the tombola being for the benefit of the Cholera Orphans, was one thousand scudi, and was divided as follows: Terno,.................... $50 Quaterno,................. 100 Cinquina,................. 200 Tombola,.................. 650 $1000

You may, therefore, stake your money on any one or two or three or four or five of the ninety numbers being drawn, which is termed playing at the "eletto," "ambo," "terno," "quaterno," and "tombola" respectively, or you may finally play "al estratto," that is, you may not only speculate on the particular numbers drawn, but on the order in which they may happen to be drawn.

In the poor and populous parts the lotteries flaunt out in all kinds of shabby finery: the walls about the door are pasted over with puffing inscriptions; from stands in front of the shop flutter long stripes of parti-coloured paper, inscribed with all sorts of cabalistic figures. If you like you may try the "Terno della fortuna," which is certain, morally, to turn up this week or next.