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I heerd ole marse tell ole miss he wuz gwine take yo' Sam 'way wid 'im ter-morrow, fer he needed money, an' he knowed whar he could git a t'ousan' dollars fer Sam an' no questions axed. "W'en Sam come home f'm de fiel', dat night, I tole him 'bout ole marse gwine steal 'im, an' Sam run erway.

Take care, marm, or yer'll slip; very arkerd place to get down, with all 'em baskets in the way. This company do travel with a deal of luggage. That's Mr. Lennox's the one as yer 'and is on. 'Oh, indeed! Kate said, stopping on her way to read Mr. Lennox's name on the basket. 'We piles 'em 'gainst that 'ere door so as to 'ave 'em 'andy for sending down to the station ter-morrow morning.

Ef you don't look sharp, nary a step do you go to the sugah-camp ter-morrow, an' nary a mouthful o' thet maple sugah shell you hev." It was an unwritten law of the community that whenever a farm was opened up, a house should be immediately built upon it. In fact, a man was not considered to have positive possession of his land until a house of some description was erected thereon.

Kiddie helped him only so far as to skin and dismember the rabbit and peel the onions. He was himself a capable camp cook, but he did not wish to interfere with Rube's personal satisfaction in doing the work. "Say, Kiddie," said Rube, when he had fixed the saucepan firmly in the fire; "if we ain't goin' ter quit this yer pitch 'fore ter-morrow, you'd best sleep to-night along o' me in the wigwam.

I heerd ole marse tell ole miss he wuz gwine take yo' Sam 'way wid 'im ter-morrow, fer he needed money, an' he knowed whar he could git a t'ousan' dollars fer Sam an' no questions axed. "W'en Sam come home f'm de fiel' dat night, I tole him 'bout ole marse gwine steal 'im, an' Sam run erway.

They cracked walnuts and hickory-nuts in the loft while the rain pattered noisily on the board roof. Austin had a definite suggestion for Sunday that would break the monotony of life. "Let's me an' you not go ter meetin' ter-morrow?" the neighbor ventured for a starter. "All right!" the Boy agreed. "Preachin' makes me tired anyhow." "Me, too, an' I tell ye what I'll do.

"Watch out, now," said Flibbertigibbet excitedly on the way down into the basement for supper and dishwashing, for it was their turn this week, "an' yer'll see me dance yer a minute in the yard ter-morrow." "Yer can't dance it alone," replied doubting Freckles; "yer've got to have a boy." "I don't want one; I'll take you, Freckles, for a boy."

We'se organizin' ter kill white men dat come atter runaway slaves." "But ain't dey got nuttin ter eat fer dem dat's here?" "You come ter de big meetin' ter-morrow night an' hear sumfin dat's good fer yo' soul." "I'll be dar," Sam promised. But he hoped to find something at the meeting that was good for his stomach as well as his soul.

"I don't want ter speak boas'ful, after the tone you took with me this mornin'" Bill spoke with scarcely dissembled pride "but that's where the cleverness comes in. You see, there ain't no skipper to 'er leastways not till ter-morrow.

"Yes, Bill w'ich 'is full name is William; an' if 'e's sleepin' below I'd arsk yer to roust 'im out." "Oh," said the stout man slowly, "Bill, is it? Bill? Well, he's gone." "Gone?" "Aye; 'e's a rollin' stone, if you wants my pinion 'ere ter-day an' gone ter-morrow, as you might put it. There's plenty o' that sort knockin' around." "D'yer mean ter say as Bill's gone?"