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Alas! thy riches shall end; the Giver of Life teaches me that but for a little while do we enjoy the prince Nezahualcoyotl, nor a second time will he come to his house on earth; no second time will he rejoice on earth; but I the singer grieve, recalling to memory Nezahualcoyotl. Xo acico ye nican in teotl aya ypalnemoa, ayaho on nichocaya a niquelnamiqui Nezalhuacoyotl ayio.

27. in ipetl icpal; in a translation of an ancient song, Ixtlilxochitl renders the expression in ipetl icpal in teotl, "en el trono y tribunal de Dios," Historia Chichimeca, cap. 32. Mictlan; the place of departed souls in Aztec mythology. In this stirring war-song, the poet reproaches his friends for their lukewarmness in the love of battle.

The word teotl is used for divinity, and it is doubtless this word for which the copyists of some of the other songs have substituted the Spanish Dios, thus conveying an impression that the chants themselves were of late date. The last verse, however, seems to be by one who lives after the time of the great poet-prince, and is calling him to memory.

2. nelhuayotl, the essence or source of something, its true nature; probably from nelli, true. teoquecholme; the prefix teotl, divine, is often added as an expression of admiration. Sahagun mentions the teoquechol as a bird of brilliant plumage.

This conclusion he expressed in a philosophic apothegm which was preserved by his disciples, in these words: Ipan in chicunauitlamanpan meztica in tloque nahuaque palne nohuani teyocoyani icel teotl oquiyocox in ixquex quexquex in ittoni ihuan amo ittoni. "In the ninth series is the Cause of All, of us and of all created things, the one only God who created all things both visible and invisible."