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It is a plucking up of the tent-pegs, according to another of the words which the writers employ for death, in preparation for entering, when the 'tabernacle is dissolved, into 'a house not made with hands, a statelier edifice, 'eternal in the heavens. To die in Christ is not to die, but becomes a mere change of condition and of place, to be with Him, which is far 'better. So an Apostle who was coming within measurable distance of his own martyrdom, even whilst the headsman's block was all but in his sight, said: 'He hath abolished death, the physical fact remaining still.

In the course of the night a thunderstorm came up, and, as we had pitched the tent in a hollow to secure freedom from stones in our beds, the rain, washed out our tent-pegs, and the tent came down on us in our sleep.

At the extreme forward end of the engine room of the "Dodger" was another bench. Here were a vise and other heavier tools. On the floor under this bench were stowed many mechanical odds and ends -pieces of wood, coils of rope, even a bundle of tent-pegs, though nothing was visible of a metallic nature. "You fellows keep at work," Jack Benson shot back suddenly over his shoulder.

It was of strong, close-meshed nets fully three yards high stretched on sturdy forked stakes and well guyed back outside to pegs like tent-pegs. These pocketing nets were set along the tops of the two banks of a gully about twenty yards wide, sloping sharply downward from its top near our trees and with sides three or four yards high and steep.

He could not dwell upon dismal things; his voice rang out on the sharp sweet evening air: "'Oh, where did you get them, the bonny, bonny roses That blossom in your cheeks, and the morning in your eyes? 'I got them on the North Trail, the road that never closes, That widens to the seven gold gates of paradise. 'O come, let us camp in the North Trail together, With the night-fires lit and the tent-pegs down."

From this spot I had to be carried to the sea, seventeen miles, on my bed, which was strengthened with tent-pegs and slung on tent-poles. From the little sultan downwards there was not one who did not help most kindly. We went down gently 3,000 feet. I cannot describe this journey, except that it was so very winding that I seemed to see the camels meeting and passing me often.

We go to a place to settle for life, and our tent-pegs are pulled up in a week. They thought of five years, and it was to be nearly as many centuries. They thought of temporary shelter and food; God meant an education of them and their descendants.

For obvious reasons he was the only one of the lot who heard with no misgivings the vicious swoop of the storm; so long as the tent-pegs held he didn't care how hard it rained. But the others who woke to the roar of wind and the crash of thunder and to the swish and beat of much falling water, turned uneasily in their beds and hoped that it would not last long.

If you get them in a good rectangle, and in such relation to the apex as to form two isosceles triangles of the ends, your tent will stand smoothly. Therefore, be an artist and do it right. Once the four corners are well placed, the rest follows naturally. Occasionally in the North Country it will be found that the soil is too thin over the rocks to grip the tent-pegs.

Weary slow days might pass in this compulsory inactivity; but 'whether it were two days, or a month, or a year, that the cloud tarried upon the Tabernacle, the children of Israel journeyed not. And whenever It lifted itself up, no matter how short had been the halt, how weary and footsore the people, how pleasant the resting-place up with the tent-pegs immediately, and away.