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"Yes, sir," said the tense-faced Kraybo. "I admit my error, and I'm willing to take my punishment." The Guesser grinned wolfishly. "Well, isn't that big-hearted of you? I'm very glad you're willing, because I just don't know what I'd do if you refused." Kraybo's face burned crimson, but he said nothing. The Guesser's voice was sarcastically soft.

Barry Houston was now a prisoner of speed, cramped in the seat of a runaway car, clutching tight at the wheel, leaning, white, tense-faced, out into the snow, as he struggled to negotiate the turns, to hold the great piece of runaway machinery to the crusted road and check its speed from time to time in the snowbanks.

"Wal, d n my old head!" exclaimed Brackton. "I'm gittin' old. Come on in. All of you! We're glad to see Creech home." The riders filed in after Brackton and the Creeches. Holley stayed close beside Slone, both of them in the background. "I heerd the flood comin' thet night," said Creech to his silent and tense-faced listeners. "I heerd it miles up the canyon.

What will they say?" They met at Mollie's as usual a tense-faced, excited little group with parents and relatives who were going to the train to see them off. "Have we plenty of time?" asked Amy, who for two days and nights had lived in the fear of losing that train. "I guess maybe we'd better hurry." "Oh, there is oceans of time," Mrs.