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I had learned to read French pretty well and knew my classics in the original, but here was my young brother sneering at me in French argot which he knew I couldn't resent because I couldn't understand it. "He would come down to the tennis club that evening, though I didn't want him. Somehow I dreaded introducing him to Gladys. There was no need for me to worry. He introduced himself.

"Is she beautiful, and did he find her here in Tennis?" asked Daphne, trying to assume an indifferent manner; but Myrtilus was not deceived, and answered gaily: "That's the way people question children to find out things. Farewell until the banquet, fair curiosity!" The slave Bias had not gone to the hunting party with his master.

The hostess must be sure that her lawns are faultlessly mowed, and that the tennis courts are in order. Lawn tennis has had a large share in the making of the garden party's popularity, and the wise hostess will always be sure that her courts are in readiness for those who enjoy the game. Cold refreshments are usually served at the garden party.

"Catch me wasting a whole day playing tennis," said Geoffrey. "I'm as keen on a game as any one in the afternoon, but I am not going to be glued to one little patch of grass all day." "Of course not," put in Edward; "your favourite form of amusement we all know nowadays, is to lie flat on your back on a dusty road tinkering at your old motor-bike."

"It would be a pleasant little denouement when the penitent was a pretty woman," said Trevalyon laughingly. "Yes, yes," cried the gentlemen simultaneously. "Oh! don't denounce them, Miss Vernon," exclaimed Miss Marchmont pathetically. "I could not exist without mine; it is so interesting to read aloud from at a picnic, tennis party, or five o'clock tea.

Others had previously reproached him, as the King had just done, with having, in the Demeter, become faithless to his artistic past. How false and foolish this was! Many a remark from the critics would have been better suited to Myrtilus's work than to his. Yet his fear in Tennis had not been true. Only Daphne's sweet face did not suit his more vigorous method of emphasizing distinctions.

If you are going home, Quaritch, I will walk with you. I want a little air." "Colonel Quaritch, you have not said if you will come to my party to-morrow, yet," said Ida, as he stretched out his hand to say good- bye. "Oh, thank you, Miss de la Molle; yes, I think I can come, though I play tennis atrociously." "Oh, we all do that. Well, good-night.

"Which do you play, Avis?" asked Patty. "Tennis. I'm no good at all at cricket. I miss the easiest catches, and get the ball tangled in my skirts. I used to play with my brothers at home, but they always called me 'butterfingers'; so I've quite given it up, and I won't even field for them now. They tell me girls are no good at cricket." "They should see Dora Stephenson," said Enid.

Mallory, keen, determined and resourceful, defending the title she had held so long and well; the young players, rising in the game, struggling to attain the heights, and finally looming over all the figure of the famous French champion of champions, Suzanne Lenglen, considered by many competent critics the greatest woman tennis player of all time.

No appeal can be too strong in encouraging people to indulge more freely in outdoor sports and especially people who spend a great deal of their time in businesses that confine them to offices. Tennis is always popular and always interesting. Those who love the game will enjoy a bit of the history of its origin and of its development in recent years. It is not a new game.