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When his task was completed the two baskets contained: One "heavy-weight winter suit of clothes." One "light-weight summer suit of clothes." One cap. One straw hat. Two pairs of white flannel trousers. Two Madras shirts. Two flannel shirts. Two silk shirts. Seven soft collars. Three silk neckties. One crocheted tie. Eight pairs of socks. One pair of patent-leather shoes. One pair of tennis-shoes.

Why in the world, being rubber-shod as to the foot and racqueted as to the hand, did they not play tennis? A girl in a short white dress, wearing white tennis-shoes and carrying a racquet, came tripping down the flight of stone steps, and stopped as she stood on the last landing and seemed to ask the same question.

His noiseless tennis-shoes bear him to the station, where, unobserved, he listens at the ticket office to the voice of That-which-was-James. "One first London," it says and Gerald, waiting till That and the Ugly-Wugly have strolled on to the platform, politely conversing of politics and the Kaffir market, takes a third return to London. The train strides in, squeaking and puffing.

"Fancy thinking you could play in house-shoes though," said Hilary. "Didn't the girls at Hampstead have tennis-shoes, poor things?" "I don't know. Yes, I suppose so. I mean, Mrs. McDonald did not there were no tennis courts," stammered Margaret, her wretchedness increasing as she met Hilary's scrutinising gaze.

The hero followed swiftly on his invisible tennis-shoes.

By his side stood Dickie Lang. "Yes," he answered. "Wasn't sure whether my clock was right so I set it half an hour ahead." Still holding him in the rays of the light, the girl examined him critically. "All right but your shoes," she announced. "You'll break your neck in those leather soles. I'll see if I can rustle a pair of tennis-shoes."

I will make a basket, and here we will gather some fruit for our déjeuner for fear there might not be plenty at the waterfalls." I took off my tennis-shoes, hung my silk coat on a limb, and plunged into the pool. Never but in the tropics does the human being fully enjoy the dash into cool water. There it is a tingling pleasure.

Indeed, one tall, thin fellow sported only a battered helmet of rusty steel that had drifted here from some European army, a moocha or waistbelt of catskins, and a pair of decayed tennis-shoes through which his toes appeared.

The terrace, open to the sky and covered with a dozen small round tables, made a pretty sight girls in light-colored gowns and flowery hats predominating early in the afternoon, but gradually, from mysterious regions of lockers and shower-baths below, joined by men in white flannels and tennis-shoes. Edith's and my table was popular that day.

Berenice had on a white skirt, white tennis-shoes, a pale-cream silk waist or blouse, which fitted her very loosely. Because of exercise her color was high quite pink and her dusty, reddish hair was blowy. Though they turned into the hedge gate and drove to the west entrance, which was at one side of the house, there was no cessation of the game, not even a glance from Berenice, so busy was she.