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"I was a lieutenant." "Ah! But the war has passed, senhores. Senhor Schwandorf was not a soldier of Germany he has been in Brazil for more than six years." "War's over. That's right," McKay agreed. "But don't bother to send word. We'll find him if he's at the hotel. Going there ourselves. Glad to have met you, sir. Good luck!" "And to you also luck, Capitao and Tenente," smiled the official.

"The Frenchman was in this place when you came here?" "He was, Signor Tenente, and seemed greatly to enjoy the discussion in which " "And you have not seen him quit you through the canvas, or the port?" "Not I, on my honor; I did suppose him too much entertained to leave us."

The curate, the coadjutor, the alferez, the gobernadorcillo, and some of the captains, together with the tenente mayor sat down at the table over which Ibarra presided. The mothers of the girls did not allow any one to eat at the table with their charges. "Do you know anything yet, Señor Alferez, about the criminal who assaulted Father Dámaso?" asked Father Salví.

He then asked what I was what sort of officer was I captain? I replied that I was not. Was I 'tenente? which means lieutenant; I answered that I was not, again, but with an air of contempt, as if I was something better. What was I, then? I did not know the Spanish for boatswain, and, to tell the truth, I was ashamed of my condition.

"That we have been deceived by one of the most oily-tongued rogues that ever took in honest men, if we have been deceived at all, vice-governatore. Last evening I would have believed this; but since the escape and return of the lugger I could have sworn that we had an excellent friend and ally in our bay." "You had your signals, Signor Tenente; and that is proof of amity and understanding."

"Never forget, Signor Tenente, it was the women who began it." "The women began it?" "Yes," she answered. "The women! You hadn't heard no, it was before you came of the girl here, in this house of my mother's, who was among the first? No? Listen, Signor Tenente." "Yes," he said.

"And yet you take them occasionally, Signor Tenente; and, as I understand from this Ithuello, frequently contrary to their wishes and by force," dryly observed Andrea Barrofaldi. "How can we help it, Signore? The king has a right to and he has need of the services of all his own seamen; and, in the hurry of impressing, we sometimes make a mistake.

"Doubtless, Signor Tenente, you belong to ze Ving-y-Ving and are a subordinate of Sir Smees?" The young man looked surprised and at the same time half disposed to laugh, though a sense of decorum suppressed the latter inclination. "I belong to His Britannic Majesty's ship Proserpine, Signore," he dryly answered, "and know not what you mean by the Ving-y-Ving.

"Signor tenente," said the old man, addressing himself to the officer, "my son killed the prince in lawful defence, for the latter had scaled our house and made his way in at night and with arms in his hand. The proofs are before your eyes. Here is a ladder set up against the window; and here," he proceeded, picking up the two pieces of the broken blade, "is a dagger with the Brancaleone arms.

Her voice was as level, as calm, as quiet, and yet as loud with allurement as ever. "Signor Tenente, no!" His was the pervert blood, the virtues and the sins born of the promiscuity of races. Hers rigid, empty of invitation were the ripe Italian lips, pure, with the fastidious purity of her high birth and the childlike sweetness of her youth. "Signorina!"