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The intellect lent a shining luster to the era of Augustus, but because it was intellect only it was gilt and not gold. Had the heart re-enforced the intellect with sympathy and justice the age of Augustus might have been an era golden, indeed, and also perpetual. Great men capitalize the impotency of unsupported intellect. Ten-talent men have often known more than they would do.

He's one of the ten-talent people. But I suppose we can all do something. It is good to have some little one-horse teams for the light jobs." "I never could be Desire," said Sylvie. "But I am glad, to work with her. I am glad to live one of the little lives." There would always be a boy and girl simpleness between these two, and in their taking of the world together.

This ten-talent layman was ever kindly helpful, with ear and tongue, to his fellow holder-in-trust of the one, or of the five, talents; yes, even to the little children in Christ's kingdom. The young people loved Carleton because he heard and loved them. To have his great, kindly eyes fixed on some poor soldier, or neighbor in distress, was in itself a lightening of the load of trouble.

Two-talent men march in millions, but the ten-talent men are few and far between. Many scientists one Newton. Thousands of poets but the Elizabethan eras are separated by centuries. Great is the company of the orators but to each generation only one Webster and one Clay. As each continent hath but one mountain range, so the elect minds stand isolated in the ages.

To ten-talent power the hero must also add tenderness to his own, kindness to the weak, unfailing sympathy to all.

Nature gives the raw material, character is the carved statue. The raw material includes the racial endowment, temperament, degree of vital force, mentality, aptitude for tool or industry, for art or science. These birth-gifts are quantities, fixed and unalterable. No heart-rendings can change the two-talent nature into a ten-talent man. No agony of effort can add a cubit to the stature.

Just so gentle, yet powerful, is the moral atmosphere of a good man as it presses upon and shapes his kind. He who hath made man in his own image hath endowed him with this forceful presence. Ten-talent men, eminent in knowledge and refinement, eminent in art and wealth, do, indeed, illustrate this. Proof also comes from obscurity, as pearls from homely oyster shells.

The Lord of the vineyard still sends into the white fields ten-talent men, two-talent men and one-talent men. Each hath his own task, and each must grasp the handle of his own being. Genius is widely distributed. Not many Platos only one, and then a thousand lesser minds look up to him and learn to think. Not many Dantes one, and a thousand poets tune their lyres to his and catch its notes.