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They were described as indescribable, and described in "artist's conceptions" on television and in the newspapers. They appeared according to circumstances to resemble lizards or slugs. They were portrayed as carnivorous birds and octopods. The artists took full advantage of their temporarily greater importance than cameramen.

It had been a busy morning with the astute Lilienthal, and the sudden arrival of the "big fish," a wary "customer" from the Schuylkill, caused the dealer to temporarily forget Randall Clayton. He scented only an ordinary amorous intrigue in the young man's ardent desire to make that particular "artist proof" his own.

The schools were temporarily closed to avoid the danger of infection, exercise in the fields was recommended, and so well were all these regulations observed that at the end of six weeks the Jewish quarter was practically free from the disease, while the grim monster still raged among the families of the less prudent gentiles. Then the work of reconstructing what had been demolished was taken up.

His own sudden action and exhibition of energy had served to disperse it temporarily, yet he felt convinced the indications were not lacking even while he sat there making notes that it still remained near to him, conditionally if not spatially, and was, as it were, gathering force for a second attack.

The first curate of Alfington was Judge Coleridge's son Henry, the well-known author of the beautiful Life of St. Francis Xavier. On his leaving our communion, it was his father's wish that Coleridge Patteson should take the cure; and, until his ordination, it was committed temporarily to other hands, in especial to the Rev. Henry Gardiner, who was much beloved there.

That's why I am temporarily in the ministry." He grinned widely a grin of huge enjoyment. "Who are you?" demanded Mrs. De Peyster. "Well, you don't hesitate to ask, do you?" He laughed, lightly. "Say, it's too good to keep! I always was too confiding a lad; but I've got you where you won't squeal, and I suppose we've got to know each other if we're going to do business together.

I join with the Secretary of the Navy in recommending that grades of admiral and vice-admiral be temporarily revived, to be filled by officers who have specially distinguished themselves in the war with Spain. I earnestly urge upon Congress the importance of early legislation providing for the taking of the Twelfth Census.

"Who wrote to you about that, Dora?" "Oh, never mind; I heard it, and that's enough." "Well, we did meet some nice young ladies." "Oh!" And Dora turned away for a moment. They were on their way to the dining room and the others were temporarily out of hearing. "But I didn't meet anybody half as nice as you!" went on Dick, in a low tone of voice, and caught her hand. "Oh, Dick!"

Brother John stared at the horizon, his lips moving as though he were engaged in prayer, and even Stephen was temporarily depressed. Jerry had fallen asleep, as a native generally does when it is warm and he has nothing to do. Mavovo looked very thoughtful. I wondered whether he had been consulting his Snake again, but did not ask him.

At one stage of these conscientious proceedings he put on, temporarily, his long black velvet dressing-gown, and, happening to catch sight in his pier glass of the picturesque and medieval figure thus presented, he paused to regard it; and something profoundly theatrical in his nature came to the surface.