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"Like this," and Conway Costigan, burly young first officer of the liner, turned the dials. "There this plate is looking back, or down, at Tellus; this other one is looking ahead." Earth was a brilliantly shining crescent far beneath the flying vessel.

"I thought it looked that way yesterday, but supposed it must be only apparent a trick of piloting or something about the orbit. I thought of course you were taking us back home but you can't possibly get to Tellus on any such course as this!" "Sure not," Brandon replied easily. "Certainly it's Mars. Isn't that where the Arcturus started out for? Whoever said we were going to Tellus?

He wished exceedingly to refute Moses: and he fancied that he really had done so by means of some collusive assistance from the layers of lava on Mount Etna. What good would it do us to have a certificate of our dear little mother's birth and baptism? But all this, we men of sense know to be gammon. Our mother Tellus, beyond all doubt, is a lovely little thing.

Pliny informs us, that men were sacrificed as late as the year of Rome 657. Isidi. The Egyptian Isis in Germany! This shows, how far the Romans went in comparing the gods of different nations. Gr. Ritter identifies this goddess with the Nertha of chap. 40, the Egyptian Isis and Nertha being both equivalent to Mother Earth, the Terra or Tellus of the Romans. Liburnae.

Not otherwise by secular periods, known to us geologically as facts, though obscure as durations, Tellus herself, the planet, as a whole, is for ever working by golden balances of change and compensation, of ruin and restoration.

Science needs not the author's art she rejects its gracess he recoils with a shudder from its fancies. But Science requires in the mind of the discoverer a limpid calm. The lightnings that reveal Diespiter must flash in serene skies. No clouds store that thunder "Quo bruta tellus, et vaga flumina, Quo Styx, et invisi horrida Taenari Sedes, Atlanteusque finis Concutitur!"

If, however, such refusal should occur, please remember that he is a despot with absolute power, and that anyone obstructing the program by refusing to follow his suggestions will spend the rest of his time here in confinement and will go back to Tellus in irons, if at all.

Of barbarians there were the two Cyruses, Anacharsis the Scythian, Zamolxis the Thracian, and the Latin Numa; and then Lycurgus the Spartan, Phocion and Tellus of Athens, and the Wise Men, but without Periander. And I saw Socrates son of Sophroniscus in converse with Nestor and Palamedes; clustered round him were Hyacinth the Spartan, Narcissus of Thespiae, Hylas, and many another comely boy.

"It's a long stretch from Jupiter to any of the planets where we have power-plants, all right particularly now, when Mars and Tellus are subtending an angle of something more than ninety degrees at the sun, and Venus is between the two, while Jupiter is clear across the sun from all three of them.

"Vidi ego, quod fuerat quondam solidissima tellus, Esse fretum. Vidi factas ex æquore terras: Et procul