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He lowered his voice to a hoarse whisper: "There's a cop in there, an' a 'tec, too." Winifred was startled out of her forebodings. "They cannot want me!" she said amazedly. "You never can tell, girlie. Queer jinks happen sometimes. I wouldn't bat an eyelid if they rounded up the boss hisself." She was sure now that some stupid mistake had been made.

"I want a respectable-looking seafaring man," ses the tec, speaking very slow; "that's you. He goes up Tower Hill to-morrow night at nine o'clock, walking very slow and very unsteady on 'is pins, and giving my two beauties the idea that 'e is three sheets in the wind. They come up and rob 'im, and I catch them red-'anded. I get promotion, and you get a fiver."

Cubbins got up to go at last, saying that he 'ad got a call to make at the police-station, and they went out together. "Nine o'clock sharp," he ses, as they shook hands, "on Tower Hill." "I'll be there," ses Sam. "And, wotever you do, no noise, no calling out," ses the tec, "and don't mention a word of this to a living soul."

He looked from it to me and then back again at the paper. "Fairfax," he said. "The d Tec, the same as got poor old Billy Whitelaw scragged last year." "I certainly believe I had that honour," I returned, "and it's just possible, if you continue in your present career, that I may have the pleasure of doing the same for you.

If you ever get into any trouble at any time, you come to me." Sam said 'e would, and arter they had 'ad another drink together the tec shifted 'is seat alongside of 'im and talked in his ear. "If I can nab them two chaps I shall get promotion," he ses; "and it's a fi'-pun note to anybody that helps me. I wish I could persuade you to." "'Ow's it to be done?" ses Sam, looking at 'im.