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"Leonorine, take those wretched dogs out of my hearing. Dearwyn, lay aside your nonsense and go ask Gurth if he has heard anything yet of Teboen." She stamped again, angrily, as her eye went from one to another of the merry-makers.

"What with Teboen always seething ill-smelling herbs and Tata, I pray you to tell who has gifted you with such a monster?" Waving the ring where the light might catch the serpents' eyes, Randalin pursed her lips with so much mystery that her friend was tempted to catch the hand and hold it prisoner while she examined the ornament.

Catching Randalin's arm in fear, not anger, she began to gasp over and over the name of Teboen the nurse. Those whose glance had not followed hers, thought her mad and shrank farther; but the eyes of those who saw what she did reflected her look.

"I will not deny that you pay liberally for my trouble, sweet. Does it not add spice to her stories, maidens, to see her habited thus? She looks like one of the fairy lords Teboen is wont to sing of." "She holds her head like Emma of Normandy," the King said absently. In wide-eyed surprise, Elfgiva looked up at him. "Ethelred's widow? Never did I hear that you had seen her!

"Willingly; more than one," she consented; but forgot to wait for it as a memory, wakened by his words, stirred in her. "Now it is time for me to remember that there is one thing I have not been altogether truthful about, through forgetting, about the Danes we have seen. I recall now that last winter Teboen often saw one when she was gathering herbs in the wood.

Only the old cellarer, herding his gorgeous flock with waving arms, ventured to address her. "Is it the British woman you are enquiring after, lady? The woman who comes to the lane-gate, of a morning, to get new milk for your drinking?" Elfgiva turned quickly. "Yes, Teboen my nurse. Have you seen her?"

You know very well that if Teboen had thought it would become a cause of harm to her, she would have refused to swallow it. I will go to the King myself and tell him how despisable you are." She stamped her foot at the united ministry of the Kingdom as she turned her back upon its representatives to speak reassuringly to her mistress.

"Surely, a rose garden is a fitting place to receive the ambassadors of a lover," she said, and straightened herself on her rustic throne, sweeping her draperies into more graceful folds. "Bring them to me here, ladybird. Candida, fetch hither the lace veil from my bower, and call the other maids as you go, and all the pages you can find. Since Teboen is not by, I want all of you behind me.

"I was foolish to fret myself over Teboen. Since she is clever enough to bring this to pass, she is clever enough to take care of herself. Without doubt it was the Danish wizard, and he informed her of some new herb, and she has gone to fetch it." After a while, an enchanting smile touched her lips.

Let no one say that I am not a witch for cleverness! Ah, you can have the best fun that ever any maid could have! If you could but make him believe something about that Danishman that Teboen saw last winter!" "Last winter?" Randalin repeated. "Oh! I had altogether forgotten him. It seems that it has not been truthfully spoken when " The little Angle smothered the rest in her rapturous embrace.