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On the last leaf of all, which exists just as we may suppose it to have been despatched by him to the copyist, there is the following curious specimen of doxology, written hastily, in the hand-writing of the respective parties, at the bottom: "Finished at last. Thank God! "Amen! Sir Peter Teazle Mr. King. Sir Oliver Surface Mr. Yates. Joseph Surface Mr. Palmer. Charles Mr. Smith. Crabtree Mr.

Walked in the square, and studied Lady Teazle. The trees are thickly clothed with leaves, and the new-mown grass, even in the midst of London, smelt fresh and sweet; I was quite alone in the square, and enjoyed something like a country sensation. I went to Pickersgill, and Mrs. Jameson came while I was sitting to him; that Medora of his is a fine picture, full of poetry. I like Mr.

Indeed, mine is a ball dress of the present day, all white satin and puffs and clouds of white tulle, and garlands and wreaths of white roses and jasmine; it is very anomalous, and makes Lady Teazle of no date, as it were, for her mariners are those of a rustic belle of seventeen hundred and something, and her costume that of a fine lady of the present day in the height of the present fashion, which is absurd.

This process diminishes both breadth and length nearly one half. After "fulling" cloth is woolly and rough; to improve the appearance it is first teazled that is, raked with cylinders covered with the round prickly heads of the teazle plant.

Went off to rehearsal without any breakfast, which was horrible! but not so horrible as my performance of Lady Teazle promises to be. If I do the part according to my notion, it will be mere insipidity, and yet all the traditional pokes and pats with the fan and business of the part, as it is called, is so perfectly unnatural to me that I fear I shall execute it with a doleful bad grace.

But it is dangerous dust I am flinging in his eyes by being free and easy with her in this way. In a little while more I won't be able to trust myself, and God help me then. Confound those Teazle girls, only for their invitation I would have stayed with Honor to-night, but a fellow belongs to every one in this city before himself, and I can't expect to escape"

I shall now give a scene or two from the Second Sketch which shows, perhaps, even more strikingly than the other, the volatilizing and condensing process which his wit must have gone through, before it attained its present proof and flavor. "OLD TEAZLE alone. "In the year 44 I married my first wife; the wedding was at the end of the year aye, 'twas in December; yet, before Ann.

Parsons. Sir Benjamin Backbite Mr. Dodd. Rowley Mr. Aickin. Moses Mr. Baddeley. Trip Mr. Lamash. Snake Mr. Packer. Careless Mr. Farren. Sir Harry Bumper Mr. Gawdry. Lady Teazle Mrs. Abington. Maria Miss P. Hopkins Lady Sneerwell Miss Sherry. Mrs. Candor Miss Pope. The success of such a play, so acted, could not be doubtful.

The following touch of costume, too, in Sir Peter's description of the rustic dress of Lady Teazle before he married her: "You forget when a little wire and gauze, with a few beads, made you a fly-cap not much bigger than a blue-bottle." The specimen which Sir Benjamin Backbite gives of his poetical talents was taken, it will be seen, from the following verses, which I find in Mr.

The most famous of them was Fanny Davenport, whose stage career began when she was a mere baby. Her young girlhood was occupied with soubrette parts, but she soon developed unusual emotional powers, and attracted Augustin Daly's notice. He added her to his stock company in 1869, and she soon won a notable success in such parts as Lady Gay Spanker, Lady Teazle and Rosalind.