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It did not take John long to get out and lift the little runaway up to the seat beside him, and Bobby was soon being driven home with a crestfallen unhappy face. 'Everybodies always stops me when I want to do fings! he complained to Nurse when she took him to task for being so naughty. And Nurse was so angry with him that she made him stand in the corner till teatime.

"If I could live on air!" said Alice. "You can you do to a very large extent. You certainly can't live without it." Downstairs he lingered. But he refused the tea that Gwenda offered him. He said he hadn't time. Patients were waiting for him. "But I'll look in next Wednesday, if I may." "At teatime?" "Very well at teatime." "How's Alice?" said the Vicar when he returned from Upthorne.

At last he made bold to say to the doctor: "Where has Miss Francie gone to? Isn't she coming out too?" "Oh, she's away after those London brats of hers, I have no doubt," the old gentleman said. "You won't see her till teatime, if even then." Whereupon Mangan lit his pipe, and proceeded to smoke in silence, listening at times and absently to Lionel's vivacious talking to his mother.

But you're so featherbrained, Anne, I've been waiting to see if you'd sober down a little and learn to be steady before I begin. You've got to keep your wits about you in cooking and not stop in the middle of things to let your thoughts rove all over creation. Now, get out your patchwork and have your square done before teatime."

"She's going to marry the squire, yonder." "Mary Masters!" "I always hated him from the first moment I saw him. What do you expect from a fellow who never gets a-top of a horse?" Then he turned away, and was not seen again till long after teatime. "Is it tanti?"

In the first weeks the days were long; they often, at their finest, gave me what I used to call my own hour, the hour when, for my pupils, teatime and bedtime having come and gone, I had, before my final retirement, a small interval alone.

And if so be Master Salter's got another bwoy, or if so be he's not, I dunno, it ain't nothin' to I." Jan learned that he had eighteen pence a week for driving the pigs to a wood at some little distance, where they fed on acorns, beech- mast, etc.; for giving them water, keeping them together, and bringing them home at teatime.

"Such must be poured into the ear alone of the Mother Superior or of your father confessor," said the Mother Eldress in a stern tone; "discipline could not be otherwise maintained." Clara felt unusually hungry at teatime, as she had had but a slight luncheon; but as it was Friday dry bread alone was allowed during the meal.

And at teatime the letter was perused and revised by Mrs Parkyn, who added some finishing touches of her own, especially a preamble which stated that Canon Parkyn had been informed by the clerk of the works that Lord Blandamer had expressed a desire to write to Canon Parkyn to make a certain offer, but had asked the clerk of the works to find out first whether such an offer would be acceptable to Canon Parkyn, and a peroration which hoped that Lord Blandamer would accept the hospitality of the Rectory on the occasion of his next visit to Cullerne.

She kissed him, made him tidy for the night, and laid him down, waiting while he cuddled luxuriously back to sleep. "Little Stefan, little Stefan," she whispered. Then, leaving the nursery door ajar, she undressed noiselessly, and lay down on the cool, empty bed. The following afternoon about teatime Stefan bicycled up from the station.