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With their own faces tear-streaked and with lumps in their throats the girls kept their heads averted, as though they had been caught doing something very wrong, and made poor pretense of eating the dishes that the old woman placed before them.

Just as though me and my troubles were the most important things in existence the only things, in fact." "Ah yes. I see I see," whispered Mr. Middler, patting her shoulder, but looking away from her tear-streaked face. "We are all that way sometimes, Janice. All that way." "And then I go somewhere to get out of myself, to to get comfort." "I see."

The Captain almost broke down, for with the pain he was enduring and all, the incident quite unstrung him. Frances had her arms about him and kissed his tear-streaked cheek. "Foolish, am I?" he demanded, looking up at her, "But it's broken me up hearing from my old partner this way. Read the letter, Frances, won't you?" She did so.

The French girl's plump cheeks were tear-streaked and Ruth instantly saw that not only the girl but the whole family was much disturbed. "What has happened?" the American girl asked. In these days of war almost any imaginable thing might happen. "It is poor old Aunt Abelard!" Henriette exclaimed in her own tongue. "She must remove from her old home at Nacon."

But the loss of the trunk, with all her clothing common though that clothing had been was a disaster that Ruth could not easily get over. She cried herself to sleep that night and in the morning came down with a woebegone face indeed. Uncle Jabez did not notice her, and even Aunt Alvirah did not comment upon her swollen eyes and tear-streaked countenance.