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At night home, and there find Mr. Batelier, who supped with us, and good company he is, and so after supper to bed. 7th. Thence to Westminster Hall, and, it being fast day, there was no shops open, but meeting with Doll Lane, did go with her to the Rose taverne, and there drank and played with her a good while.

Thence to the Dolphin Taverne, where Sir J. Minnes, Lord Brunkard, Sir Thomas Harvy, and myself dined, upon Sir G. Carteret's charge, and very merry we were, Sir Thomas Harvy being a very drolle.

De Pean watched with malign satisfaction the progress of Le Gardeur's intoxication. If he seemed to flag, he challenged him afresh to drink to better fortune; and when he lost the stakes, to drink again to spite ill luck. But let a veil be dropped over the wild doings of the Taverne de Menut.

After an hour's roystering at the Fleur-de-Lis the party of gentlemen returned to the Taverne de Menut a good deal more unsteady and more obstreperous than when they came. They left Master Pothier seated in his chair, drunk as Bacchus, and every one of the rest of his companions blind as Bartemy. The gentlemen, on their return to the Taverne de Menut, found De Pean in a rage.

To the right hand about. By the left hand. As you were. Rankes to the right double. Rankes as you were. Rankes to the left double. Cap. Ran tan: enough, you must not wast your lunges Too much at once. March faire and make a Captaine. You beare a braine and memory. Un. I hope so. Come, wee'le to the taverne. Un. With all my heart. Courtwell. Here's Mr. Courtwell: lett's take him with us. Cap.

And to our office; and I by appointment to the Dolphin Taverne, to meet Wade and the other, Capt.

Thence with Lord Brouncker and several of them to the King's Head Taverne by Chancery Lane, and there did drink and eat and talk, and, above the rest, I did hear of Mr.

At noon would have avoided, but could not, dining with my Lord Bruncker and his mistresse with Captain Cocke at the Sun Taverne in Fish Streete, where a good dinner, but the woman do tire me, and indeed how simply my Lord Bruncker, who is otherwise a wise man, do proceed at the table in serving of Cocke, without any means of understanding in his proposal, or defence when proposed, would make a man think him a foole.

March either before or after me, only don't go with me, De Pean; I am taking the shortest cuts to get to the end of it, and want no one with me." Le Gardeur walked doggedly on; but De Pean would not be shaken off. He suspected what had happened. "The shortest cut I know is by the Taverne de Menut, where I am going now," said he, "and I should like your company, Le Gardeur!

Gayet, and I carried them to the King's house; but, coming too soon, we out again to the Rose taverne, and there I did give them a tankard of cool drink, the weather being very hot, and then into the playhouse again, and there saw "The Country Captain," a very dull play, that did give us no content, and besides, little company there, which made it very unpleasing.