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When he stands near Mademoiselle de Valois it is easy to see that they belong to the same father. My son purchased for the Chevalier d'Orleans the office of General of the Galleys from the Marechal de Tasse. He intends to make him a Knight of Malta, so that he may live unmarried, for my son does not wish to have the illegitimate branches of his family extended.

The Biscuits on which she specialized were light as Down. The Things she fixed to Eat were Fine and Dandy but she never had heard of a Cuisine. When you took her away from regular Chow and made her tackle something Casserole or En Tasse, she blew. Also there was a Maid who should have belonged to the Stevedore's Union.

Take, for example, the following typical menu for a dollar dinner, served at the Fior d'Italia, and compare it with the fifty-cent dinner just mentioned: Salami and anchovies; salad; chicken broth with Italian paste; fillet of English sole, sauce tartare; spaghetti or ravioli; escallop of veal, caper sauce; French peas with butter; roast chicken with chiffon salad; ice cream or fried cream; assorted fruits and cakes; demi tasse.

I have taken a 'cafe' and two 'Savoyards'." "Dear me! What a ferocious breakfast! Pray, explain yourself." "I say that I have drunk a cafe and eaten two Savoyards soaked in it, and that is what I do every morning." "You are stupid, my good friend. A cafe is the establishment in which coffee is sold, and you ought to say that you have drunk 'use tasse de cafe'" "Good indeed! Do you drink the cup?

Tasso's 'Gierusalemme Liberata' is altogether unquestionably a fine poem, though it has some low, and many false thoughts in it: and Boileau very justly makes it the mark of a bad taste, to compare 'le Clinquant Tasse a l' Or de Virgile'. The image, with which he adorns the introduction of his epic poem, is low and disgusting; it is that of a froward, sick, puking child, who is deceived into a dose of necessary physic by 'du bon-bon'. These verses are these: "Cosi all'egro fanciul porgiamo aspersi Di soavi licor gli orli del vaso: Succhi amari ingannato intanto ei beve, E dall' inganno suo vita riceve."

Inside of two minutes Barry had everybody in sight on the jump, from the bus boy to the steward, and in with the demi tasse came the screwdriver. "Now what, lieutenant?" demands Barry. "S-s-s-h!" says I, mysterious. "We got to drill around until midnight." "Why not at the Follies, then?" suggests Barry. "Swell thought!" says I.

When he stands near Mademoiselle de Valois it is easy to see that they belong to the same father. My son purchased for the Chevalier d'Orleans the office of General of the Galleys from the Marechal de Tasse. He intends to make him a Knight of Malta, so that he may live unmarried, for my son does not wish to have the illegitimate branches of his family extended.

We'd got as far as the cheese and demi tasse when I noticed one of the soldiers a big, two-fisted husk wander past us slow and then drift out. A minute or two later Hartley is being paged and the boy says there's a 'phone call for him. "For me?" says Hartley, lookin' puzzled. "Oh, very well."