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"I know it would be lonely here, and a man like you ought to have a wife for " he slightly lifted his eyebrows "for example's sake. I heard there was a young lady in the case over there in Tasajara but the old people didn't see it on account of your position. They'd jump at it now. Eh? No?

He'd just let them by which he vaguely meant the world, Tasajara, and possibly his own conscience see that he wasn't a sentimental fool, and he'd freeze on to that paper and that property! Only he ought to have spoken out before. He ought to have told the surveyor at once that he owned the land. He ought to have said: "Why, that's my land.

Grant's usually keen eyes were wandering somewhat abstractedly over the agitated and rustling field of ribbons, flowers and feathers before him, past the blazonry of banner on the walls, and through the open windows to the long sunlit levels beyond, when he noticed a stir upon the raised dais or platform at the end of the room, where the notables of Tasajara were formally assembled.

The bed of the old creek had receded; the last tules had been cleared away; the channel and embarcadero were half a mile from the bank and log whereon the pioneer of Tasajara had idly sunned himself. Mr. Harcourt walked on, occasionally turning over the scattered objects with his foot, and stopping at times to examine the ground more closely.

"And now," he said, coolly tightening the rope around his neck with a jerk of his head "Go on, and be damned to you! I'm ready." They did not hesitate this time. And Martin Morse and Captain Jack Despard were buried in the same grave. The largest tent of the Tasajara camp meeting was crowded to its utmost extent. The excitement of that dense mass was at its highest pitch.

I was wrong to let my little girl worry herself all alone here, but I I thought it was all so so bright and free out on this hill, looking far away beyond the Golden Gate, as far as Cathay, you know, and such a change from those dismal flats of Tasajara and that awful stretch of tules. But it's all right now. And now that I know how you feel, we'll go elsewhere." She did not reply.

And when to this was added the more surprising coincidence that the party consisted of Billings, Peters, and Wingate, former residents of Sidon and first citizens of Tasajara, the resemblance was complete.

With a daughter so incomparably gifted, a matchless creation that was enough in herself to ennoble that fortune which his own skill and genius had lifted from the muddy tules of Tasajara where this 'Lige had left it, that SHE should be subjected to this annoyance seemed an infamy that Providence could not allow! What was his mere venial transgression to this exaggerated retribution?

See, there's the papers the quitclaim all drawn up and signed." He drew the roll of paper from his pocket again, apparently forgetful of the adjacent weapon. "Look here, 'Lige," said Harkutt, with a business-like straightening of his lips, "I ain't buyin' any land in Tasajara, least of all yours on the creek. I've got more invested here already than I'll ever get back again.

And this was still more distinctly marked by the contrast of a later incident. For some moments the sound of laughter and greeting had risen near the door of the refreshment room that opened upon the central hall, and there was a perceptible movement of the crowd particularly of youthful male Tasajara in that direction.