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In the morning, we were off Tripoli, which is even more deeply buried than Beyrout in its orange and mulberry groves, and slowly wafted along the bold mountain-coast, in the afternoon reached Tartus, the Ancient Tortosa. A mile from shore is the rocky island of Aradus, entirely covered by a town. There were a dozen vessels lying in the harbor.

Change of Plans Routes to Baghdad Asia Minor We sail from Beyrout Yachting on the Syrian Coast Tartus and Latakiyeh The Coasts of Syria The Bay of Suediah The Mouth of the Orontes Landing The Garden of Syria Ride to Antioch The Modern City The Plains of the Orontes Remains of the Greek Empire The Ancient Road The Plain of Keftin Approach to Aleppo.

This region may be called the Wool and Pistachio Coast. Southward, from Latakiyeh to Tartus and the northern limit of Lebanon, extends the Tobacco Coast, whose undulating hills are now clothed with the pale-green leaves of the renowned plant.

The remains of a large fortress and ancient mole prove it to have been a place of considerable importance. Tartus is a small old place on the sea-shore not so large nor so important in appearance as its island-port. The country behind is green and hilly, though but partially cultivated, and rises into Djebel Ansairiyeh, which divides the valley of the Orontes from the sea.