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Ac dicta factaque eius quanto solutiora et quandam sui negligentiam praeferentia, tanto gratius in speciem simplicitatis accipiebantur." So far, this describes Proust also, and the similarity extends to their work.

*... Si ergo a corpore removeatur omne illud per quod actioni animæ resistit, simpliciter erit anima perfectior in tali corpore existens quam separata: quanto autem perfectius in esse, tanto perfectius potest operari. Unde et operatio animæ conjunctæ tali corpori erit perfectior quam operatio animæ separatæ.

Zara, who among her other accomplishments had the secret of making coffee to perfection, promised laughingly to make it extra well, and flitted from the room, singing softly as she went a fragment of the Neapolitan Stornello: "Fior di mortelle Queste manine tue son tanto belle! Fior di limone Ti voglio far morire di passione Salta! lari lira." The letter Zara had brought me was from Mrs.

"O Maria, O Maria," was the artless supplication; "I vow to give to thee the ring my mother bought for me four years ago, and the coral necklace, tanto bello!" And then, with simple fervour, the Madonna was assured that, would she but save il poverino, a candle should be burned to her every Saturday, "ogni Sabbato, Maria, Maria!"

The money-price of cloth will be higher in Germany than in England, by the cost of carriage of the cloth. The expense of the carriage is evidently a deduction pro tanto from the saving of labour produced by the establishment of the trade. The two countries together, therefore, have their gains by the trade diminished, by the amount of the cost of carriage of both commodities.

The poet bids his verse go forth to her, but softly; and stand before her with bended head, as before the Mother of God. She is a miracle herself, a thing sent from heaven, a spirit, as Dante says in that most beautiful of all his sonnets, the summing up of all that the poets of his circle had said of their lady "Tanto gentile e tanto onesta pare."

It is but fair to bear in mind that the Canadian import duties on United States goods were the same as those on British goods; so that whatever ground of complaint might be set up, Great Britain had the right to the largest share of it, because she had the ocean freights to add to the duty, and pro tanto was at a disadvantage in competing for Canadian custom with the manufacturers of the States.

DON PEDRO. Es que no crea usted que es el primero a quien yo le digo todo esto, no señor, y otro tanto, sin quitar ni poner, le dije a mi sobrino Tiburcio hará ahora unos cuatro meses, cuando se quiso casar con su prima. DON EDUARDO. Que fué sin duda la que se opuso al enlace, ¿eh? DON PEDRO. ¡Quién había de ser!

The girl who does not care to embrace opportunity is no better than a child 'Fanciulla tanto sciocca, quanto bella, as Dafne says. So, again, there is nothing ennobling in the devotion of the hero, nothing elevating in his fidelity.

She had gone onwards through the usual phases of surprising herself in the act of thinking of him at all sorts of hours, and gradually discovering that he filled an immense portion of her lonely life there in the strange city, till she came to the stage of mingling the avowal "Gli voglio tanto bene" with her last prayers to Mary Mother by her bedside at night, and meditating on the words he had said and the looks be had looked, after she had laid her head upon the pillow.